Asset & Folder Actions


The Asset Manager provides you the ability to create, store, and modify your content assets for easy access throughout your organization. This article will cover the various actions that can be performed within the Asset Manager.

Asset Actions:

  • Edit Asset: Edit the asset by making changes to the asset name, description, folder location, tags, share, campaign, and colour.

  • Publish: Quickly publish the asset to open the publisher with the asset added.

  • Duplicate: Make a duplicate of the asset

  • Delete: Permanently Delete the assets from Asset Manager

  • Edit Image (Image Assets Only): You can perform editing functions on an image asset like crop, apply filters, and add shapes & texts.

  • Move to Folder: Move the asset to a folder or sub-folder of your choice.

  • Copy URL: Copies the platform URL of the asset for reference and collaboration

  • Download: Download the asset to your system in the existing format

  • Copy Asset Address (Media Assets Only): Use asset address to add to your HTML codes, making your assets usable across your pages.

The asset manager allows you to perform the following bulk actions on multiple selected assets:

  • Download

  • Delete

  • Move to Folder

  • Add to Favourites: You can add the asset to your favourite list.

  • Update Properties: You can update the asset properties as well.

In addition to the asset-level actions, you can also perform folder-level actions. They are as follows:

  • Rename

  • Move to Folder

  • Download

  • Copy URL

  • Delete