Understanding Benchmark Campaign Performance Report


Deciphering the Benchmark Campaign Performance Report

The Benchmark Campaign Performance Report serves as your gateway to monitoring campaign Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in comparison to your top competitors. To make the most of this report's capabilities, let's explore the array of actions available:

Report Actions:

  1. Adding Brands: Start by entering your brand in the search tab to initiate the comparison.

    The report automatically loads competitors.

    You can expand this list by navigating to the "Competitors" tab and adding more brands.

  2. Filters: Fine-tune the report by applying filters to choose specific sources and languages for listening.

  3. Sharing: Click "Share" to disseminate the report to internal users within the platform.

    In the "Save and Share with Users" window, assign a name for the report and select users to share it with.

    Once done, click "Share."

  4. Generate Dynamic Presentation Slides: Transform your report into dynamic presentation slides for real-time information sharing with external stakeholders.

  5. Download Reports: Secure offline access and easy sharing by downloading your report in PDF or Excel formats.

  6. Time Range Filtering: Tailor reports to your needs with time range filters, spanning from the last 24 hours to custom date ranges up to the year 2020.

  7. Schedule Exports:

    Effortlessly automate report sharing by scheduling exports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The process is streamlined:

    • Click on "Schedule Exports" on topmost side of the dashboard.

    • In Schedule report window, select Export frequency be it daily, weekly or monthly

    • Select Day and Select the Export time

    • Select Users and Add External Emails to whom you want to send this report to.

    • Select the Format : PDF or Excel or Both

    • Once done, click on Schedule

    The Report will be sent to user's over email on the frequency selected

  8. Save Reports: Access frequently used data effortlessly by saving filtered reports.

    Star a report on the left side of the report name.

    Name it within the "Favorite Report" window, and click "Favorite." The filtered report is then conveniently accessible in the Reports Module.

Understanding the Report:

Clicking on any widget's metrics opens up a third pane, providing further drill-down capabilities. Feel free to explore these metrics, clicking anywhere in the widget, to access more detailed insights.

The report is categorised into two sections: Benchmark Campaign KPIs and Audience Engagement.

Benchmark Campaign KPIs:

This section empowers you to monitor campaign KPIs across your top competitors and identify top-performing content. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Track KPIs of Your Brand Campaigns: Monitor the popularity and reactions to campaigns/hashtags associated with your brand.

  • Track Fan Sentiment Trend on Your Brand Content: Observe public sentiment regarding your brand's hashtags/campaigns.

  • Top Performing Posts of Your Brand: Identify brand posts with the highest engagement—likes, comments, shares, and reactions.

  • Track KPIs of Competitors' Campaigns: Monitor the popularity and reactions to campaigns/hashtags promoted by competitors.

  • Track Fan Sentiment Trend on Competitors' Content: Gauge public sentiment about competitor campaigns/hashtags.

  • Top Performing Posts of Your Competitors: Identify competitor posts generating maximum engagement—likes, comments, shares, and reactions.

Audience Engagement:

This category delves into the analysis of audiences engaging with your brand versus competitors. Relevant widgets encompass:

  • Profession of People Talking About Your Brand: Understand the professions of individuals discussing your brand.

  • Profession of People Talking About Competitors: Gain insights into the professions of individuals discussing competitors.

  • Countries of People Talking About Your Brand: Explore the geographical distribution of conversations related to your brand.

  • Countries of People Talking About Competitors: Analyze the geographic spread of conversations about competitors.

In Summary:

The Benchmark Campaign Performance Report equips you with the tools to evaluate campaign KPIs, measure audience engagement, and compare your brand against competitors. With dynamic presentation capabilities, downloadable formats, and customisable filters, this report provides a comprehensive picture of your brand's standing in the competitive landscape. By delving into the metrics and exploring the insights, you can refine your strategies, enhance engagement, and foster brand success.