Understanding Discover Potential Areas of Crisis Report


Unraveling the Discover Potential Areas of Crisis Report

The Discover Potential Areas of Crisis Report empowers you to maintain vigilance over events and potential crises that may impact your brand. To maximise the capabilities of this report, let's delve into the range of actions available:

Report Actions:

  1. Adding Brands: Initiate your comparison by entering your brand in the search tab.

  2. Filters: Fine-tune the report by applying filters to specify sources and languages for listening.

  3. Sharing: Disseminate the report to internal users within the platform by clicking "Share." In the "Save and Share with Users" window, provide a name for the report and select users to share it with. Once completed, click "Share."

  4. Schedule Exports:

    Effortlessly automate report sharing by scheduling exports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The process is streamlined:

    • Click on "Schedule Exports" on topmost side of the dashboard.

    • In Schedule report window, select Export frequency be it daily, weekly or monthly

    • Select Day and Select the Export time

    • Select Users and Add External Emails to whom you want to send this report to.

    • Select the Format : PDF or Excel or Both

    • Once done, click on Schedule

    The Report will be sent to user's over email on the frequency selected

  5. Generate Dynamic Presentation Slides: Elevate your report by transforming it into dynamic presentation slides, perfect for real-time information sharing with external stakeholders.

  6. Download Reports: Secure offline access and simplify sharing by downloading the report in PDF or Excel formats.

  7. Time Range Filtering: Tailor reports to your needs with time range filters, ranging from the last 24 hours to custom date ranges extending up to the year 2020.

  8. Save Reports: Effortlessly access frequently used data by saving filtered reports.
    Simply star a report on the left side of the report name, name it within the "Favorite Report" window, and click "Favorite."

    The filtered report becomes conveniently accessible in the Reports Module.

Understanding the Report:

Note : Clicking on any metric widget opens a third pane, offering deeper drill-down capabilities. Feel free to explore these metrics by clicking anywhere within the widget to access more intricate insights.

The report is structured into different categories:

Identify Potential Crisis Areas:

This section encompasses key crisis areas, including Business and Operational, Employee and Workplace, Financial, and Socio-political. The following metric widgets offer insights in these areas:

  • Trend of Discussions on Potential Crisis Areas around Your Brand: Identify patterns in key areas leading to negative perceptions of your brand among people.

Key Crisis Area 1: Business And Operations:

Monitor metrics and negative discussions related to business and operations. Relevant metric widgets include:

  • Top Business and Operations Sub-Themes for Your Brand: Analyze the top factors related to business and operations that contribute to negative perceptions of your brand.

  • Business and Operations Related Stories Around Your Brand: Discover top stories published about your brand's business and operations.

Key Crisis Area 2: Employee And Workplace:

Monitor metrics and negative discussions concerning workplace and employee well-being. Relevant metric widgets encompass:

  • Top Employee and Workplace Sub-Themes for Your Brand: Identify the top factors related to employees and the workplace that contribute to negative perceptions of your brand.

  • Employee & Workplace Related Stories Around Your Brand: Uncover stories related to employees and the workplace associated with your brand.

Key Crisis Area 3: Economy And Finance:

Monitor metrics and negative discussions concerning economy and finance. Relevant metric widgets comprise:

  • Top Finance Related Sub-Themes for Your Brand: Pinpoint the top finance-related factors that contribute to negative perceptions of your brand.

  • Finance Related Stories Around Your Brand: Identify top financial news stories connected to your brand.

Key Crisis Area 4: Socio-Political:

Keep track of metrics and negative discussions concerning politics and society. Relevant metric widgets include:

  • Top Socio-Politics Related Sub-Themes for Your Brand: Recognize the top socio-political factors that contribute to negative perceptions of your brand.

  • Socio-Political Stories Around Your Brand: Identify prominent socio-political news stories tied to your brand.

In Summation:

The Discover Potential Areas of Crisis Report equips you with the tools to remain vigilant about potential crises that could impact your brand. With customisable filters, dynamic presentation capabilities, and the ability to explore intricate metrics, you gain invaluable insights into various crisis areas. By dissecting and comprehending the sub-categories and associated KPIs, you can anticipate challenges, mitigate risks, and take proactive measures to safeguard your brand's reputation and resilience.