Understanding Manage Brand Reputation Report


This report lets you eep a close watch on your brand's reputation across all platforms.

To fully comprehend the capabilities of this report, let's explore the range of actions available:

Navigating to Manage Brand Reputation Reports:

1. Access the Insights module via the left-side navigation bar on your Sprinklr Social Advanced homepage.

2. Within the Insights module, select "Brand Insights."

3. Choose the " Manage Brand Reputation " tab.

Report Dashboard Actions:

  1. Searching Brands: Begin by entering your brand in the search tab to initiate a comparison.

    The report automatically loads competitors, but you can expand this list by navigating to the "Competitors" tab and adding more brands.

  2. Filters: Refine the report by applying filters to select specific sources and languages for listening.

  3. Sharing: Disseminate the report to internal users within the platform by clicking "Share."

    In the "Save and Share with Users" window, assign a name for the report and select users to share it with. Once completed, click "Share."

  4. Schedule Exports:

    Effortlessly automate report sharing by scheduling exports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The process is streamlined:

    • Click on "Schedule Exports" on topmost side of the dashboard.

    • In Schedule report window, select Export frequency be it daily, weekly or monthly

    • Select Day and Select the Export time

    • Select Users and Add External Emails to whom you want to send this report to.

    • Select the Format : PDF or Excel or Both

    • Once done, click on Schedule

    The Report will be sent to user's over email on the frequency selected

  5. Generate Dynamic Presentation Slides: Transform the report into dynamic presentation slides for real-time information sharing with external stakeholders.

  6. Download Reports: Ensure offline access and easy sharing by downloading the report in PDF or Excel formats.

  7. Time Range Filtering: Tailor reports to your preferences with time range filters, ranging from the last 24 hours to custom date ranges up to the year 2020.

  8. Save Reports: Access frequently used data with ease by saving filtered reports.

    Star a report on the left side of the report name, name it within the "Favorite Report" window, and click "Favorite."

    The filtered report becomes conveniently accessible in the Reports Module.

Understanding Manage Brand Reputation Report

Note: Clicking on any metric widget opens a third pane, offering deeper drill-down capabilities. Feel free to explore these metrics by clicking anywhere within the widget to access more intricate insights.

This report offers a comprehensive view of your brand's reputation across various dimensions. To truly grasp the power of this report, let's explore its seven illuminating sections:

Brand Reputation Overview

Monitor and benchmark brand reputation across competitors on key reputation pillars. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Benchmark Sentiment Across Key Citizenship Pillars: Analyze and benchmark how people feel about brands on key citizenship pillars.

  • Trend of Conversations Around Key Citizenship Pillars: Monitor how often people talk about key citizenship pillars in the context of your brand.

Key Pillar 1: Sustainability

Measure what people are saying about sustainability-related initiatives in connection with your brand. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top Sustainability Sub Themes for Your Brand: Identify top sustainability-related factors discussed among people for your brand.

  • Top Sustainability-Related Discussions: Utilize AI to understand how people associate sustainability with your brand and competitors.

  • Top Sustainability-Related Stories: Identify top news stories around sustainability for your brand and competitors.

Key Pillar 2: Diversity And Inclusion

Measure perceptions of brand transparency towards diversity and inclusion. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top Diversity and Inclusion Sub Themes: Identify top diversity and inclusion policies discussed among people for your brand.

  • Top Diversity and Inclusion Discussions: Leverage AI to discern sentiments about the diversity and inclusion policies of your brand and competitors.

  • Top Diversity and Inclusion Stories: Identify top news stories around diversity and inclusion for your brand and competitors.

Key Pillar 3: Corporate Social Responsibility

Monitor discussions about your brand's efforts to contribute to the community. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top CSR Sub Themes for Your Brand: Identify top CSR activities discussed among people for your brand.

  • Top CSR Discussions: Use AI to uncover discussions around CSR activities of your brand and competitors.

  • Top CSR Stories: Identify top stories published around CSR for your brand and competitors.

Key Pillar 4: Workplace Well-being

Monitor perceptions of your brand's employer friendliness. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top Workplace Sub Themes for Your Brand: Identify top workplace policies discussed among people for your brand.

  • Top Workplace Discussions: Use AI to gauge sentiments about your brand and competitors as employers.

  • Top Workplace Well-being Stories: Identify top stories around workplace well-being for your brand and competitors.

Key Pillar 5: Leadership And Strategy

Measure what people are saying about your brand's top leaders and company management. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top Leadership & Strategy Sub Themes for Your Brand: Identify top discussions related to leadership and strategy for your brand.

  • Top Leadership & Strategy Discussions: Use AI to understand how people perceive the leaders of your brand and competitors.

  • Top Leadership & Strategy Stories: Identify top stories around the leaders of your brand and competitors.

Key Pillar 6: R&D and Innovation

Measure perceptions of R&D and innovation associated with your brand. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Top R&D and Innovation Sub Themes for Your Brand: Identify top discussions related to R&D and innovation for your brand.

  • Top R&D and Innovation Discussions: Leverage AI to gauge sentiments about R&D and innovation associated with your brand and competitors.

  • Top R&D and Innovation Stories: Identify top stories around R&D and innovation for your brand and competitors.


The Manage Brand Reputation Report empowers you to keep a vigilant eye on your brand's reputation across platforms. By analyzing key reputation pillars, such as sustainability, diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, workplace well-being, leadership, and innovation, you gain actionable insights into how your brand is perceived. Armed with this knowledge, you can strategically shape your brand's narrative, respond to emerging trends, and proactively address potential reputation challenges. With these insights at your disposal, you're equipped to foster a positive and resonant brand image across diverse dimensions, helping your brand thrive in a competitive landscape.