What are Business Hours ?


Business hours are the times when your team is working and available to help customers. They are like the official clock for your business. This helps everyone know when to expect help and when to set goals for your team.

For example, if your business hours end at 6:00 PM and someone asks for help at 6:30 PM, we don't start counting how long it takes to reply until the next day at 9 AM when your team is working again.

Business hours also help you decide when different support teams are open to talk to customers through different channels like chat, voice, or emails. You can use them to make sure requests go to the right team. For instance, if billing Team A isn't around at a certain time, the request can be sent to billing Team B.

Here's why business hours are useful:

  1. They help manage when your teams work and when they don't, for tickets, chats, and phone calls.

  2. You can make sure you're meeting your promises to customers by knowing when a request is overdue.

  3. Based on when your team is available, you can set up automatic responses for emails, offline chats, and voicemail for phone calls.