Understanding Company


Learn what is a company, how to create it, and navigate to the company details view, and its widget description.

A Company refers to an organization that is associated with contacts with whom you have interacted in the past or want to reach out in the future. They help you manage and track the open tickets associated with all the respective contacts from a company.

Refer to the following video to better understand the company:

You can further read the below article to see the steps of creating a company:

To create a Company

  1. Log into Sprinklr Self-Serve. Click the Settings icon on the left Navigation Bar. Under Manage, click Companies.

  2. To create a new company, click Create Company in the top right corner of the Company window.

  3. On the Create Company window, provide the Name and Website of your company.
    Company Website refers to all websites owned, operated, or hosted by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or through which they conduct business. When you set up a company website, contacts from the specified email domains are automatically added to this company when they submit a request for the first time or register.

  4. Click Create in the bottom right corner to complete the process.

To navigate to Company Details View

Company View is a collection of widgets where agents can view all the information associated with a company.

  1. Go to the Sprinklr Self-Serve Home Page and click Company from the extreme left pane.

  2. Click View Company alongside the desired company to see the detailed view. For more information, see Company Widget — Descriptions.

Company Widget — Descriptions


Widget Name



CSAT Score

This widget displays the Average CSAT score of the company.


Other Sections

Clicking on the tabs will provide you with the information of each section:

  • Activity - This tab showcases all the actions taken on the tickets by different agents.

  • Tickets - Tickets tab displays all the information/discussion related to the ticket you are working on. You can also create a new ticket from here.

  • Meetings - Meetings tab displays the previous meetings that have been organized in order to address the query. You can also organize future meetings from here.

  • Calls - All the calls made in order to address the tickets will be displayed here. You can also schedule calls from the calls tab.

  • Notes - Notes tab displays all the notes added by agents related to a ticket for future reference.

  • Tasks - This tab showcases all the tasks assigned to the different agents by their supervisors along with the name of the ticket queue. It will provide you with a quick view of all the tickets being worked on.


Company Details

The company information widget displays company information such as: - Company Website - Company Tier - LinkedIn Page - Industry - Tags (if any).


Company Insights

The company insights widget showcases the following information: - Number of tickets received from the company - Predicted CSAT Score - Type of issues received - Number of escalated tickets


Linked Contacts

The number of linked contacts with the particular company.



This particular widget stores all the files attached by the customer during the conversation.


Delete Company

Hover over the options icon and select to delete the company upfront.

Understanding Company Fields