Outbound Post Streams


 From the Sprinklr Social home page, click on the Calendar icon. On the left side, select Outbound Posts.


Common Posts on Calendar: 


Click the 3 dots icon on the top right corner of any post to access a range of post actions: 

  • Preview: Review the post using the publisher tool on the right. 

  • Edit: Modify the content of the post. 


  • Duplicate: Create a similar post through the publisher tool. 

  • Copy URL: Copy the post's link to the clipboard.

  • Collaborate: Add notes, tags, or attachments relevant to the post. 


  • Activity: Review the post's activity. 


Draft Posts: 

Draft Posts are in the draft state and may need adjustments. Explore post actions:  


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 


  • Preview: Check the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Edit: Modify the post's content. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Collaborate: Add notes, tags, or attachments. 


Sort Draft Posts: 

Click the Sort icon on the top right to arrange posts ascending or descending based on your choice of sorting order and criteria.  

Posts sorted in Ascending order 


Posts sorted in Descending order 


Published Posts: 

Published Posts are live on the Calendar. Discover further actions: 


  • View Detail: Detailed examination in the third pane. 

  • View on Facebook: Directly view the post on Facebook. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post's content. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post.

Failed Posts: 

Failed Posts didn't publish successfully. Access additional actions: 


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Collaborate: Add notes. 

  • Copy URL: Copy the post's URL. 

You can sort the Failed Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well.  


Scheduled Posts: 

Scheduled Posts are set to publish on specific dates. Explore post actions: 

  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Collaborate: Add notes. 

  • Copy URL: Copy the post's URL. 

You can sort the Scheduled Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well.  


Rejected Posts: 

Rejected Posts are not approved for specific reasons. Access further actions: 


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post's content. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Collaborate: Add notes. 

  • Copy URL: Copy the post's URL. 

You can sort the Rejected Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well. 


All Approvals: 

Posts requiring approval hold these actions: 


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post. 

  • Reschedule: Adjust the posting schedule. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Collaborate: Add notes. 

  • Copy URL: Copy the post's URL. 

  • Activity: Review the post's activity. 

 You can sort All Approval Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well. 


My Approvals: 

Posts ready for your approval feature these options: 


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • View on Facebook: Directly view the post on Facebook. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post. 

  • Reschedule: Adjust the posting schedule. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

You can sort My Approval Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well.  


My Team’s Approval: 


Posts shared by your team, needing your approval, provide these choices: 

  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post. 

  • Reschedule: Adjust the posting schedule. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

You can sort My Team’s Approval Posts as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well. 


My Posts in Approval: 

Posts awaiting your approval offer these actions: 


  • View Detail: Examine details in the third pane. 

  • Edit: Make changes to the post. 

  • Reschedule: Adjust the posting schedule. 

  • Duplicate: Create a similar post. 

  • Preview: Review the post in the publisher tool. 

You can sort My Posts in Approval as well. Click on the Sort icon in the top right corner and choose the sorting order - ascending or descending. You can select the Sort By options as well.