Personalizing Calendar using Visibility Settings


Campaign Visibility in Calendar is a powerful feature that provides a comprehensive view of multiple campaigns across days, weeks, and months. This feature allows you to easily customize the calendar and schedule posts for specific campaigns, streamlining your campaign planning process. With Campaign Visibility in Calendar, you can monitor your campaign performance effectively and efficiently across different time periods. 


In addition to providing visibility into your campaigns, Calendar also allows your teams to collaborate on content creation and review, regardless of their location. The Visibility Settings provide easy actions that help you visualize, create, and act on the content, ensuring that your content planning is consistent and up to date. 


Navigating to campaign visibility: 

  1. Start by clicking on the Publishing icon on the left side of the Sprinklr Social homepage. 


  1. By clicking on the Calendar icon located in the left pane of the application's interface, you can access the Calendar page. On this page, all the campaign posts are categorized and organized by Days, Months, Weeks, Number of days, and Schedule View. 


  1. At the top right corner of the Campaign page, you will find the Visibility Settings option. When you click on it, you'll notice that the appearance and layout of the Campaign page vary for different views such as Day, Week, Month, Number of Days, and Schedule View. Each view has its unique Post Card styles and Visibility Settings, offering a tailored and convenient experience for managing your campaign content. 

  1. Based of different views the visibilty settings have different configurations. 


Detailed “Day View” can be opened by clicking on the date in the calendar, where the posts are divided by time in chronological order. Here the visibility settings have a list of items such as: 

  1. Events: Toggle On to tag events for a specific post and day respectively. Click on any of the events to view the details in the third pane.  


To create a new Event, you need to click on the + icon on any specific day. 



On clicking it The “Add Event” page will appear as show in the image below, where you need to provide the Event name, date, and description. 


  1. Best time to post: This feature provides insights into the optimal publishing time for your posts in the day view. It displays the Account name along with the recommended publishing time. To view this information, you can simply toggle on the option. This way, you can easily identify the most suitable time to publish your content and maximize its reach and engagement. 


You can also click on Customize to toggle on and off the specific Accounts that you want to show in the Calendar as shown below and click Save at the bottom to apply the changes.



  1. Publishing Queue: By toggling on this feature, you can fix the publishing queue of the post for a particular account. The post will be scheduled to be published with a 2-hour gap between each post. On the Calendar, you can easily view the post's name, the scheduled time, and the platform where it will be published. For more detailed information about a specific post, simply click on that post, and its details will be displayed on the third pane. 


  1. Campaigns: By toggling this feature, you can tag campaigns to your posts and assign them specific colors for easy identification. When you tag a campaign, you can view its details in the third pane by simply clicking on any of the campaigns that are scheduled for a particular day. Additionally, if you want to know the duration of a specific campaign, you can easily do so by hovering your mouse over the campaign bar as shown below. 


To access detailed information about a campaign, simply click on the Campaign bar, and the third pane will open. Inside the third pane, you will find the "Overview" tab, which provides a comprehensive view of the campaign. Within the Overview tab, you can explore various details such as campaign insights, individual posts, additional insights related to the campaign, assigned tags, and more. 


  1. Color Messages: You have the option to visually identify postcards based on specific conditions. By clicking on the "Customize" icon, you can customize the color code for postcards depending on three criteria: Created by, Campaign and Status. 


Important Note: You can swiftly navigate to the “Day View” directly in the application using the shortcut key "D" or "1". This quick key access will save you time when you need to switch to the Day View. Additionally, you can easily move between posts using the "previous" and "next" arrow keys as shown below. 


To view the account name icons, click on the three dots icon by hovering over a specific post in the top right corner and click on View Details as shown in the image below. 


The following actions are available after clicking on the 3 dots icon: 

  1. Preview: Provides a preview of the post before publishing. 

  1. Edit: Allows for easy modifications to the post content. 

  1. Duplicate: Enables the creation of a similar post using the publisher tool. 

  1. Copy URL: Copies the post link to the clipboard for sharing. 

  1. Collaborate: Facilitates collaboration by allowing note-taking, tagging others, and attaching relevant content to the post. 

  1. Activity: Offers a review of the post's associated activity. 

“Week View” can be opened by selecting “Week” under the drop-down box where the posts are divided by week, here in the visibility settings the all the items that are available in day view I.e.., Events, Best time to post, Publishing queues, Campaigns and Color messages are available, which serve the same purpose they serve in the day view and have corresponding functionalities, but the outputs are presented in a weekly overview as shown in below images. 




Publishing Queues 



Color Messages 


For a detailed overview of these options please refer to the above “Day View” section. 

Configure Start Day: This exclusive feature is available only for the week view, by Toggling On enables the viewer to configure the Start date for every week in a monthly view as shown below. For example, If you select the starting date as Tuesday, the week will start from Tuesday. 


Important Note: The shortcut key to navigate directly to week view is “W” or ”7”. 


For “Monthly View,” “Month” item can be selected from the drop-down menu, where the calendar view is segregated into monthly view. And for “Number of Days” view “No of days” can be selected which enables the viewer to view the calendar in a segregated view of 2-6 days according to viewer’s wish, this view shows the content of the post, time of publishing, media, account name, and channel. 


Events (Monthly View)                                              Events (Number of Days View) 



Campaigns (Monthly View)                                           Campaigns (Number of Days View) 



Color Messages (Monthly View)                              Color Messages (Number of Days View) 


Here in both “Monthly View” and “Number of Days View” visibility settings Events, Campaigns, Color messages and Configure start day settings are available which are also available in the “Day View” and “Week View” visibility settings serving same purposes in both views and having same functionalities, please refer above “Day View” and “Week View” sections for a detailed overview on these options. 

In the top right corner of the post of any day, you‘ll view the Platform icons and Platform options (draft post, dark post, stitches, etc.) for different platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and other supported channels. 



When the Black icon is visible in the top right corner of a post, it indicates that the Platform Options are enabled. If the Black icon is not present in the top right corner of a post, it indicates that the Platform Options are not enabled. 



Important Note: The shortcut keys to navigate to the 2-day view is 2, the 3-day view is 3, and so on and so forth. 


For the “Schedule View” viewer can select the “Schedule” item from the drop-down menu, This view is similar to Day or list view. The Posts are listed in a single order. Here the visibility settings have only one item to choose “Color Messages” also serving the same purpose and having same functionality as it serves in the Day View. 

Important Note: The shortcut key to navigate to the Schedule view is “S”. 


You can add multiple filters such as choosing the specific Account, Channel, Status, Created By, and Campaign to narrow down the Schedule view. You can club 2 accounts together under the Account group filter. Besides that, you can add custom filters as well to streamline your calendar view. 



You can edit the newly added Calendar view also by modifying the filters and saving it again. As soon as you modify the filters, you can Reset or Save the view. 


To remove the recently created Calendar view, click on the three-dots icon in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, select the "Delete View" option. Upon deletion, you will be redirected back to the default Calendar view. 



In conclusion, “Visibility Settings” empowers users with a comprehensive guide to optimizing their calendar experience. By leveraging these settings, readers can efficiently manage their posts and make data-driven decisions for the best publishing times.