Tasks on Posts



Tasks on Posts help you stay on track with the team and the organizational goals and complete tasks on time. It enables you to identify the priority of the tasks and plan things in advance.

You can either follow the tasks assigned to you by checking the Task tab in the third pane or create a task for others. Click on Add Tasks icon for a specific post by moving to the Task tab.  




Provide a suitable Task Title and Description and other relevant details such as the task's priority, tagging assignee, and the due date. Click Create at the bottom right.



The task will be created for the assigned person.


Once the task is added to the post, hover over the task and you will 3 options. You can view the details of the post and edit the post. Click on the three dots icon and you can copy the link of the tasks or delete the task. Besides that, you can search for the desired tasks as well in the search task bar at the top. 




View details 

You can view the task created and details of the post or add additional notes below. Here, you can view the post actions at the top such as Edit, Copy Link, or Delete the post. 



Edit the Task 

You can make changes to the task, if any. Click Save after that. 


Delete the Task  

Click on the Delete icon either by hovering over the task created or the Delete icon at the top of the View details section. The task will be deleted altogether.