View Published Post Insights


Unlock a deeper understanding of your post's performance by delving into the Insights section located within the Overview tab in the third pane. 


Follow these steps to access the Insights:  

  1. Navigate to the Published Post: On the right side of the interface, locate the "Outbound Posts" section and click on "Published Post.

  2.  Select a Post: Choose any of the published posts you wish to analyze by clicking on it. 

  3. Insights Display: The third pane will appear, presenting you with a comprehensive view of the post's performance. Within this section, you can explore various engagement metrics. 


Within the Insights section, you'll find essential engagement metrics that shed light on the post's reach and impact: 

  • Reach: Understand the number of unique users who have seen your post. 

  • Likes: Discover the total count of likes received on the post. 

  • Comments: Explore the number of comments generated by the post. 


By analyzing these insights, you can make informed decisions to refine your social media strategy and enhance your content's effectiveness.