Adding Dynamics 365 Integration with Sprinklr Service Self Serve


Steps to do in Azure Portal to Integrate Dynamics

  1. Go to Azure ( and open App Registration

  1. Choose New Registration

  1. Provide Name and Choose Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft Accounts 

  2. In Redirect URL 

    1. Choose Web 

    2. Add redirection URL for Prod12 and Prod3 (for this reach out to

  1. Once you register, you’ll be redirected to app page -> copy the client id  

  1. Now go to authentication from the left-hand pane  

    1. Under the Implicit grants and hybrid flows, give permission for both 

      1. Access Tokens 

      2. ID Tokens 

  1. Now go to API Permissions  

    1. Add New permission --> Dynamics CRM 

    2. Give user_impersonation Permission  

  1. Now go to Certificates and Secret 

    1. Move to Client Secrets tab and choose New client secret 

    2. Add description and set expiry as per your choice  

    3. From the client secret added copy the value field 

  1. Now go to Sprinklr Platform to complete the rest of the Steps

Steps to Integrate Dynamics 365 in Sprinklr

  1. Go to Sprinklr and Install Dynamics 365

  1. Provide the client ID (Step 5) 

  2. Provide the client secret (Step 8.c) 

  3. Instance URL – Your dynamics instance url 

  4. Once entered click Connect and give consent to Sprinklr App and your installation is completed