What is Social Listening?


Social listening is the practice of monitoring and analyzing conversations and online mentions related to a particular brand, topic, or industry across various social media platforms, forums, blogs, and other online channels. The goal of social listening is to gain insights into customer opinions, preferences, and feedback, as well as to identify emerging trends and issues that may affect the business.

Why should brands do Social Listening?

Customers have moved to modern channels sharing experiences in real-time, but several brands do not leverage this enormous data to drive real business outcomes.

With Social Listening,

  1. Brands can measure in real-time how their brand is perceived and they can use this information to grow the Brand.

  2. Product teams can measure in real-time which product features customers love and hate and they can use this information to improve the product.

  3. PR teams can measure the performance of PR initiatives and media coverage in real time and use this information to protect brand reputation. They can set up alerting systems to inform them about any reputational risks in advance and act on them in time.

  4. Marketing teams can measure campaign performance in real-time and they can use this information to improve messaging.

  5. Customer care teams can understand customer pain points in real-time and they can use this information to improve their customer service.