Publishing Approvals


Publishing Approvals in Sprinklr streamline the review and approval process for posts. By utilising Approval Workflows, posts go through a series of levels where they are carefully evaluated and approved before being published on social platforms. This feature ensures a structured and efficient process, maintaining content quality and consistency. 

In this section, we will guide you through the steps of utilizing Approval Workflows. We will cover creating new Approval Workflows in the Settings section, selecting and applying them to posts under Publishing Properties, and publishing the posts once the approval process is complete.

You can select the desired approval workflow under Publishing Properties or create a new one. Every post which has an Approval workflow selected will go through the various levels of approval and then will be published on the respective social platforms.

To create a new Approval Workflow

  1. Go to Settings from the Sprinklr Social Platform left pane and search for Approval Workflows.

  1. Now, click Create Workflow in the top right corner and provide desired details such as Name, Step Name, and Approver Name.

  1. A Create Approval Workflow window should open up, wherein you can create multiple approval levels as per your particular use case and add respective users against each level of approval.

  1. The, Click Create at the bottom right. The newly curated approval workflow will be saved and recorded.

It would be now possible to select the newly curated Approval Workflow from the dropdown under Publishing Properties.

You can create a new Approval Workflow on the fly as well by clicking "Add Workflow" from the same dropdown. It will redirect you to the Create Approval Workflow page where you can input the desired details.

Once all the details are provided, you can publish the post from the Scheduling Options.