Publishing Properties: Approval Workflow, Tags & Campaign


In Sprinklr's Publisher tool, we offer a range of powerful publishing properties that enable brands to effectively market and manage their products and services. These properties are designed to enhance reach and engagement, ensuring a streamlined and impactful content distribution process. 


In this section, we will delve into the functionality and benefits of the Approval Workflow, Tags, and Campaign features within Sprinklr's Publisher tool. We will explore how these properties streamline the approval process, facilitate content organisation, and guide content creation for maximum impact. 


Let's study the various publishing properties available out-of-the-box and more:

  1. Approval Workflow: You can put posts, assets and messages in a series of approval levels where it is reviewed and finally approved. Choose the desired approval workflow. Once the post is approved by the respective approver(s), then only the post can be published on the relevant channel.

  2. Tags: Add relevant tags to internally label your posts for tracking and management. Tags are keywords or phrases that are used to label, categorise and organise entities.

  3. Campaign: Select a desired campaign that resonates with your product or service. It provides quick access to campaign briefs for the publisher to use the brief as a guide in writing post content. You can check the Campaign brief on the right side.

  4. Custom Post Fields: Sprinklr allows you to create custom fields to include any data relevant to your business goals. One of the major USPs of custom fields is that it will enable the creation of properties that might not be present in the Sprinklr environment by default.

Note: You can create custom fields by going to Settings and then clicking on Post Fields, then clicking on Create Post Fields and providing details such as name, description, field type, add options, etc.

By leveraging the Approval Workflow, Tags, and Campaign features, brands can enhance their content management, maintain brand consistency, and effectively reach their target audience.