Accept or Reject Posts in Approval


In the fast-paced world of social media management, the approval process plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless content delivery. As an approver, you wield the power to accept or reject posts before they go live. To facilitate this process, navigate to the My Approval section under Outbound Posts on the left pane. Here, you will find a list of posts that require your approval, allowing you to make informed decisions swiftly. 

Accept or Reject: As an approver, you have the option to accept or reject the post with ease. For every post, hover over the yellow icon on the Approve icon highlighted in green to access the notification that the post will be published once it has been approved at all levels. By clicking on the green Approve button, the post will be instantly added to the publishing queue. Likewise, clicking on the red Reject button, the post will be instantly added to the rejected posts list.

Within the My Approval Posts section, you are presented with a range of actions to streamline your approval process: 

  1. View Detail: Delve into the overall summary of posts that require your approval, encompassing crucial details such as post content, publishing properties, tasks, notes, and the approval workflow.

  1. Preview: Gain insights into how the post will look before it goes live by utilising the Preview feature on the right. 

  2. Collaborate: Enhance collaboration by dropping relevant notes and tagging team members who can assist in the approval or rejection process. 

  3. Copy URL: Effortlessly copy the URL of the post for reference or sharing purposes.

  4. Activity: Stay updated with recent activities related to the approval post, ensuring transparency and efficient communication. 

  5. Delete: If necessary, you have the option to delete the post within the approval stage. 

  6. Add task: Seamlessly add tasks that pertain to the approval post, ensuring a streamlined workflow and effective task management. 

By utilising these powerful actions, you can navigate the approval process with confidence and precision. Embrace the potential of our platform as we empower you with the tools needed to excel in managing approval tasks effectively. 


Unlock the true potential of seamless social media management as you accept or reject posts with ease and finesse.