Approving a Post after its Scheduling Time has passed


In the dynamic realm of social media management, flexibility and efficiency are paramount. At times, posts may miss their scheduled time for approval due to various factors. However, fear not, as you have the option to approve a post even after its scheduled time has passed. 


To initiate this process, navigate to the My Approval section under Outbound Posts on the left pane. Here, you will find a list of posts that require your approval. Whether it's a missed scheduling or unforeseen circumstances, you can effortlessly take action and ensure the timely publication of the content.

Accept or Reject: As an approver, the power lies in your hands to accept or reject the post even after its scheduled time. For every post, hover over the yellow icon on the Approve icon highlighted in green to access the notification that the post will be published once it has been approved at all levels.

By clicking on the green Approve button, the post will be instantly published. Likewise, clicking on the red Reject button, the post will be instantly added to the rejected posts list.

With these user-friendly actions at your disposal, you can uphold the efficiency of the approval process and maintain an agile approach to social media management. 


Unlock the potential of timely post approvals, transcending the constraints of scheduling, and embrace a more streamlined and productive approval workflow.