Editing a Rejected Post


In the realm of social media management, the ability to adapt and refine your content is a valuable asset. Today, we unveil the power of editing rejected posts by the approver, a feature that allows you to translate feedback into an opportunity for enhancement. 

Receiving feedback and approval on your posts is essential to maintaining a consistent brand voice. Incase of a post rejected by the approver, fear not, as our platform offers you the chance to learn from the feedback provided and enhance your content accordingly. With the editing rejected posts feature, you can refine your messages, visuals, and strategies, ensuring each post aligns seamlessly with your brand identity. 

Step 1: Translating Feedback into Actionable: 


Review the details of the feedback, understand the factors that led to the post's rejection by the approver, and pinpoint areas that require adjustments. 


Step 2: Make Necessary Changes: 


Within the Publisher tool, skill fully edit the post by fine-tuning its content, structure, or any other relevant elements to ensure it aligns with your objectives. 


Step 3: Republish with Confidence: 


Once you are satisfied with the edits, click on the Schedule icon in the bottom right corner. Watch as your revitalised post is ready to grace the social media stage once again.

Important Note: Post the necessary edits have been made, the article once schedules will go through the approval workflow process from the first level again to finally reflect as a published post on native platform.

Through this empowering feature, you can turn a rejected post into a valuable learning experience, refining your social media strategy and strengthening your online presence. The path to success is paved with continuous improvement, and our platform is here to guide you every step of the way.