Editing an In-approval post


In the realm of social media publishing, in-approval posts occupy a critical position, awaiting approval based on predefined conditions. We recognise the importance of streamlining your approval process to ensure a seamless content strategy. In this article, we will explore how the power of editing an in-approval post empowers you to make necessary changes and navigate the approval process with greater efficiency.

Editing an in-approval post allows you to refine the content and publishing properties before the final approval. By having this flexibility, you can ensure that your posts align perfectly with your brand's image and comply with necessary guidelines. Moreover, the process is designed to promote collaboration and ease, allowing you to make adjustments without restarting the entire approval journey. 

Imagine a scenario where an in-approval post reaches the 2nd stage of approval:

  1. Currently, the post is in 2/2 stage of the approval process:

  1. Edit in the Publisher: Upon identifying the need for modifications, you can effortlessly edit the in-approval post in the publisher. This entails refining the content and adjusting publishing properties to meet the desired criteria. 

  1. Sending for Re-approval:  After making the necessary changes, you can resubmit the post for approval. Our intelligent system ensures that the post undergoes approval from the initial stage, eliminating unnecessary repetitions and saving time. 

  2. Streamlined Approval Process: Thanks to the editing feature, your post embarks on a streamlined approval journey. The post is subjected to the approval process from the first stage, expediting the path to its successful publishing. The post will go through stage 1/2 of the approval process.

Incorporating the power of editing in-approval posts into your social media management strategy can significantly enhance your approval process's efficiency. By allowing necessary adjustments without restarting the entire process, you gain greater control over your content's quality and alignment with your brand's vision.

Embrace the seamless editing capabilities and witness an optimised approval journey that ensures each post captivates your audience while reflecting your brand's excellence.