View in-approval post details


In the fast-paced world of social media publishing, managing in-approval posts efficiently is crucial to ensuring a smooth and effective workflow. We understand the importance of overseeing the progress of these posts and empowering you with the necessary tools to streamline the approval process. In this article, we will delve into the comprehensive feature of viewing in-approval post details, offering you valuable insights and actions to navigate this stage with confidence.

To gain a deeper understanding of your in-approval posts, simply click on the View Detail action associated with any in-approval post. A third pane will emerge, presenting an all-encompassing summary of these posts. By accessing this view, you can take informed steps towards optimising your publishing strategy. 

Within the realm of managing in-approval posts, our platform equips you with an array of powerful actions: 

  1. Preview: Before making any final decisions, you can preview the post on the right, granting you a clear vision of how it will appear upon publication. 

  2. Edit: Empowering you with flexibility, the Edit action allows you to make necessary changes to the post, ensuring it aligns with your desired outcome. To gain deeper insights into the Edit action, click here for a comprehensive guide. 

  3. Reschedule: Easily reschedule the post by selecting a specific date, streamlining your publishing timeline.

  4. Properties: Access vital publishing properties such as tags, author, schedule time, creation time, campaign, and more, enabling you to fine-tune your post for maximum impact. 

  5. Notes: Enhance collaboration by adding important notes to the in-approval post and tagging relevant team members for guidance or input. 

  6. Tasks: Boost productivity and organization by adding tasks related to the in-approval post. Customize task actions, prioritize them, assign names, and set due dates with ease. Simply click Create at the bottom right to implement your tasks effectively. 

  7. Approval Workflow: Gain valuable insights into the approval workflow of the in-approval post, tracking its progress through the review process. 

In the realm of social media publishing, staying in control of your in-approval posts is vital to success. Armed with valuable insights and powerful actions, you can confidently navigate the approval stage, ensuring seamless collaboration and impactful content delivery. Embrace the potential of our platform as we empower you with the tools needed to excel in your social media journey. 


Step into the future of efficient publishing and unlock the true potential of your in-approval posts.