Quick Search Dashboard actions


Maximizing Efficiency with Quick Search Dashboard Actions

The Quick Search dashboard is a hub of versatile actions, enhancing your interaction and experience with the Quick Search reports. Here's a breakdown of the dashboard actions that elevate your effectiveness:

1. Changing and Updating Queries:

Modify your search query by clicking on the search bar. After editing, simply hit "Update Search" to instantly reflect the updated reporting.

2. Interactive Widgets and Metric Drilldowns:

Engage with interactive widgets in Quick Search reports. Click on metrics within the widgets to open a third-pane drilldown. Dive deeper by clicking on metrics within the third pane to conduct comprehensive analysis and identify root causes.

3. Sections Switch:

Switch between various report sections for distinct insights:

  • Overview: Evaluate performance KPIs.

  • Conversations: Uncover AI-powered insights on discussions.

  • Author: Gain audience insights based on demographics and interests.

  • Message Stream: Explore individual messages and metrics.

4. Smart Filtering:

Filter reports by:

  • Source

  • Country

  • Language

5. Generate Dynamic Slides:

Instantly create dynamic presentation slides from the report. Share real-time updates with external stakeholders effortlessly.

6. Download Reports as PDF:

Securely download the report in PDF format for offline access or sharing.

7. Time Range Filtering:

Filter reports based on time ranges, from the last 24 hours to custom date ranges.

8. Save Reports:

Save your reports to retain the search query for future use. Simply click on the query in Quick Search for quick access next time.

Empower your insights and decision-making through these Quick Search dashboard actions, making data exploration and analysis an efficient and impactful endeavor.