Understanding the Quick Search dashboards


This article reveals the metrics and functionalities encompassed within the Quick Search dashboards. Once you've entered keywords, hashtags, or a query, you'll be directed to our Quick Search dashboard, comprising four distinct sections:

  1. Overview

  2. Conversations

  3. Author

  4. Message Stream

1. Overview:

True to its name, this section offers a comprehensive perspective on various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to your search query. It presents data across three main categories:

a. Summary:

Here, you can delve into performance KPIs associated with your search query. The Summary section includes a variety of widgets, each offering unique insights:

  • Mentions: Displays the count of posts related to your search query.

  • Unique Users: Presents the number of distinct users engaged in discussions about your search query.

  • Reach: Quantifies the potential audience size involved in conversations about your search query.

  • Mentions Trend: Tracks the trend in the frequency of mentions pertaining to your search query.

  • Sentiment Summary: Offers an overview of the overall sentiment surrounding your search query.

  • Sentiment Trend: Allows you to monitor the changing sentiment trends linked to your search query.

  • Source Distribution: Analyzes sentiment distribution across various sources such as Twitter, Reddit, news platforms, and Quora.

Each of these widgets provides the option for further in-depth analysis. By clicking on any KPI, a third pane opens up, providing deeper layers of insight.

b. Media Coverage:

This facet enables you to gauge media coverage across prominent and emerging publication houses. Key widgets in this category include:

  • Media Coverage Trend: Tracks the fluctuation in news articles related to your search query.

  • Media Coverage: Top Tier Publications: Breaks down news articles across well-established publications.

  • Media Coverage: Top Emerging Publications: Provides insight into media coverage from emerging sources.

  • Top News Stories: Presents significant news stories related to your search query, sorted by Domain Authority. Domain Authority reflects a site's search engine ranking prowess.

c. Brand Associations:

This dimension allows you to measure and monitor instances where your brand is mentioned alongside your search query. Widgets in this category encompass:

  • Top Discussed Brands: Evaluates the performance of brands most frequently discussed in relation to your search query.

  • Brand Coverage Trends: Monitors trends concerning brands discussed within your search query conversations.

This serves as a glimpse into the comprehensive insights provided within the "Overview" section of our Quick Search dashboards.

2. Conversations:

Within the "Conversations" tab, you'll gain access to an auditory landscape centered on the keyword you've input. This is your chance to actively listen to the discourse taking place around the keyword, encompassing discussions by individuals, news sources, and a comprehensive array of relevant metrics. This section harnesses the power of AI to unveil invaluable insights derived from the conversations encompassing your search query.

Widgets (Metrics) in the Conversations Section:

  • Top Voice of Customer (VOC) Categories: Discern the primary VOC categories driving discussions related to your search query. This reveals the overarching themes within the conversations.

  • Trend of VOC Categories: Stay abreast of the evolving trends pertaining to VOC categories in relation to your search query. This provides insights into the shifting focal points of conversations over time.

  • Top Trending Hashtags: Pinpoint the most prevalent and impactful hashtags circulating within discussions about your search query. This offers a snapshot of the hashtag-driven narrative.

  • Most Popular Keywords: Identify the prominent keywords that consistently emerge in conversations tied to your search query. This sheds light on the key topics underpinning the discourse.

  • Top Associated Emotions: Acknowledge AI-detected emotional nuances interwoven into the conversations surrounding your search query. This enhances your understanding of the sentiment and emotional context.

  • Top Emoticons Used: Familiarize yourself with the emoticons that feature prominently within discussions pertinent to your search query. This provides insight into the emotional expressions shaping the conversations.

As you delve into the "Conversations" section, you're immersing yourself in the dynamic exchanges, thoughts, and feelings emanating from your search query. This segment delivers a deeper layer of understanding, enabling you to connect with the voices and emotions embedded within the digital discourse.

3. Author:

In the "Author" section, you unlock a gateway to insights about the individuals engaging in discussions about your chosen keywords. Here, you'll discover the demographics that shape these conversations, spotlighting top influencers, as well as identifying significant detractors associated with the keywords.

This section encompasses two distinct categories:

1. Demographics Insights:

Empower your strategy by grasping the demographic composition of your audience, spanning age, gender, and interests. This subdivision is further segmented into widgets showcasing pertinent metrics:

  • Audience Distribution by Gender: Gain insight into the gender-based distribution of individuals partaking in discussions related to your query.

  • Audience Distribution by Age Category: Delve into the breakdown of your audience's age groups, revealing the generational composition of conversations.

  • Audience Distribution by General Interest: Identify the overarching areas of general interest shared by the audience discussing the topic.

  • Audience Distribution by Country: Map out the global reach of conversations by understanding the geographical distribution of the audience engaged with the topic.

2. Amplifications:

This dimension opens the door to the discovery of influencers, advocates, and detractors who play pivotal roles within the topic's narrative.

Within this category, you'll find subcategories or widgets that present pertinent metrics:

  • Influencer Amplification: Pinpoint the voices of top influencers who resonate significantly with the discourse around your query.

  • Top Advocates: Recognize prominent users who are actively and positively contributing to discussions tied to the keyword.

  • Top Detractors: Identify influential users who express negative sentiments and opinions in conversations connected to the keyword.

With the "Author" section, you're not only understanding the voices shaping the conversations but also delving into the intricacies of their demographics and impact. This layer of insight unveils the personas behind the discussions, empowering you to navigate the landscape with precision.

4. Message Streams:

The "Message Streams" segment invites you to delve into the realm of individual messages while considering key metrics that gauge the extent of engagement each message garners across various platforms. This immersive experience is coupled with the convenience of opening a third pane for in-depth exploration.

Within the Third Pane section, you're presented with the option of two distinctive views: the "Message" view and the "Profile" view.

  • Message View:

    In this view, you have the opportunity to closely examine individual messages. By leveraging this perspective, you gain insights into the contents of each message. Clicking on either the message's handle or the date allows you to seamlessly access the message on its native platform. This facilitates a direct connection with the original context.

  • Profile View:

    Alternatively, the "Profile" view places the spotlight on the user behind the message. This vantage point provides access to the user's profile, affording you the chance to peruse all messages posted by that user on their native platform. This holistic approach aids in comprehending the user's overall engagement and perspectives.

    For every message within these views, a crucial metric is displayed in the bottom right corner—message reach. This measure encapsulates the span of the message's influence and interaction across the digital landscape.

    By traversing through the "Message Streams" section, you're immersing yourself in the individual messages that collectively contribute to the broader discourse. Each message becomes a gateway to insights, and through the "Message" and "Profile" views, you're granted a multifaceted lens to explore the messages and the minds behind them.

    As we continue, we're nearing a comprehensive understanding of how our Quick Search dashboards empower you to glean unparalleled insights from your keywords. Stay with us to uncover the full spectrum of our platform's capabilities.