🌟 Sprinklr Self-Serve: Elevating Your Experience - December 1, 2023 Update 🌟


Welcome to the latest and greatest from Sprinklr Selfserve! 🚀

We're thrilled to introduce a bunch of exciting features and improvements that will make your experience even more seamless and engaging. Let's take a closer look at what's in store for you.

Sprinklr Social

1. Connection with Third-Party Asset Manager: Google Drive

Effortlessly integrate your assets by connecting with Google Drive as a 3rd party asset manager. Simplify collaboration and file management with seamless access to your Google Drive documents.

- Key Benefits:

- Seamless integration with Google Drive.

- Easy access to files and documents.

- Streamlined collaboration and file sharing.

2. Support for User Level Permissions in Approval Workflows while Publishing

Empower your publishing process with our cutting-edge support for User Level Permissions in Approval Workflows. Ensure precise control over content authorization and enhance collaboration seamlessly.

- Key Benefits:

- Fine-tuned user-level permissions.

- Streamlined approval workflows.

- Enhanced content control and security.

3. Facebook: Publisher Link Preview Edit

Elevate your social media game with our Facebook Publisher's Link Preview Edit feature. Craft the perfect first impression by customizing link previews and optimizing the visual appeal of your shared content.

- Key Benefits:

- Editable link previews for precision.

- Tailor content appearance before sharing.

- Enhance engagement with eye-catching previews.

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Sprinklr Service

1. Chatbot Enhancements: Decision Box

Supercharge your chatbot interactions with our new Decision Box feature. Optimize user engagement by creating dynamic, decision-driven conversations that adapt to user input, providing a more personalized and efficient chatbot experience.

- Key Benefits:

- Dynamic decision-driven conversations.

- Personalized user interactions.

- Improved chatbot efficiency and effectiveness.

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2. Webhooks in Sprinklr Service: Test JSON and Analytics

Elevate your integration game with Webhooks featuring Test JSON and Analytics capabilities. Ensure smooth data flow, validate with precision, and gain insightful analytics for a powerful and informed integration experience.

- Key Benefits:

- Test JSON for seamless data validation.

- Analytics capabilities for in-depth insights.

- Streamlined and robust integration process.

3. Webhooks in Sprinklr Service: Proxy IP Feature

Fortify your data integrity with the Webhooks Proxy IP Feature in our service module. Elevate security measures and ensure confidential communication, offering a robust shield for your sensitive information during integrations.

- Key Benefits:

- Enhanced security through Proxy IP support.

- Safeguard sensitive information during data transmission.

- Strengthened protection for seamless integrations.

In this update, we're dedicated to providing you with an engaging and streamlined experience. These features empower you to manage publishing, assets, content, customer interactions, permissions and Webhooks seamlessly.

Welcome to a more dynamic and interactive experience with Sprinklr Service! 🌟