Sprinklr Self-Serve: Elevating Your Experience - May 2024 Update


Welcome to the latest and greatest from Sprinklr Self-Serve! 🚀

We're thrilled to introduce a bunch of exciting features and improvements that will make your experience even more seamless and engaging. Let's take a closer look at what's in store for you. Let's take a look on the release items for this iteration:

Sprinklr Service
WhatsApp Chatbot in Sprinklr Service 

Now, you can create a WhatsApp Chatbot for different message types such as HSM template, List picket, and Card on Sprinklr Selfserve and initiate the interaction with the customer instantly. The chatbot will enable users to automate routine customer interactions, reducing customer response time effectively. 


  • Reach a broader audience and engage with customers on their preferred channel. 

  • Provide real-time, conversational support to customers, addressing their inquiries, helping round the clock. 

  • Automate routine customer interactions, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex queries.  

Support of "Auto-Hide Comment" Feature in Service Automations 

Now, you can automatically hide any comments for meta-applications such as Facebook and Instagram using Automation on Sprinklr Selfserve. You can automatically hide specific comments on their social media posts based on predefined criteria, such as containing profanity, spam, or sensitive content. This helps maintain a positive and safe environment on social media. Click here to learn more.


  • Saves time and resources by reducing the need for manual monitoring and intervention.  

  • Protect brand reputation and ensure that their social media presence remains professional and respectful.  

  • Enforce community guidelines and comply with platform policies regarding content moderation. 

Sprinklr Social
Support for Collaborative Posts on Instagram 

With Sprinklr Social, you can post Instagram Reels by collaborating with the people who are already tagged. You can tag the names under the Collaborator section with whom you want to collaborate and promote the content. The collaborative post on Instagram enhances engagement, creativity, and community on the platform - providing users with valuable networking opportunities and expanding their reach and influence organically.

Click here to learn more. 


  • Encourages interaction and engagement among multiple users, leading to higher likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement.  

  • Allows you to tap into each other's audiences, exposing their content to new followers and potential fans. 

  • Provides an opportunity to collaborate creatively, combining each other’s talents, skills, and perspectives to produce engaging and innovative content.  

  • Enables you to cross-promote each other's content, driving traffic to each other's profiles and increasing exposure for all collaborators involved. 

Support to Tag People on Instagram Reels  

Sprinklr Social provides support to tag people on Instagram Reels enabling users to collaborate more effectively with other users and enhance their content in various ways.


  • Tagging users in Instagram Reels exposes them to a broader audience. This increased visibility helps collaborators grow their follower base, gain exposure, and attract new followers. 

  • Users who are tagged may share the Reel with their own followers, comment on the post, or engage with the content in other ways, leading to increased likes, comments, and shares. 

  • Facilitates networking and relationship-building among creators on Instagram. 

  • Tagging users in Reels may increase the discoverability of the Reel, as tagged users may appear in search results or recommendations for their followers.