Sprinklr Self-Serve: Release Notes (17th June 2022)


Sprinklr Selfserve's latest release offers exciting new capabilities designed to empower your business to create meaningful customer experiences at every touchpoint. Read about Sprinklr Selfserve's latest platform enhancements below!

πŸ”© Settings

πŸ‘€ Views | Ability to Control Visibility in Default Ticket Views

You can now control the visibility conditions for the existing Default ticket Views. With the help of this capability, you can display only required tickets to the concerned agents and ensure that they focus on the most critical items.

πŸƒ Quick Actions | Ability to Create Agent Level Quick Actions

Agents can now create their personalized Quick Actions and use them per their requirements in Self-Serve. This capability will increase the overall productivity of agents.

🎟 Ticket Forms | Collect Required user Information with Ticket Form Functionality

You can now use the Ticket Form functionality to collect important user information to resolve specific issues. These personalized request forms help external or internal users raise issues with your support team. With the help of Ticket Forms, you can configure different fields a ticket contains and use the provided information to resolve customer queries.

πŸ€— Self-Serve

πŸ™ Self-Serve | Ability to Mention (@) People in Email Replies

You can now mention (@) the concerned person while replying to your email tickets via Self-Serve. Mentioning people in replies will add them to the email chain, and the mail will also be sent to that person.

πŸ”— Channel

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Channel | Support to Add Trustpilot Business Page

Sprinklr Selfserve now supports Trustpilot  β€”  a digital platform that allows customers to review a business from which they have purchased a product or service. You can add your Trustpilot business page in Sprinklr Selfserve and manage your online business presence. It lets you manage and provide a complete resolution to the customer reviews on your business page.

πŸ“Š Reports

πŸ” Reports | Ability to Sort By Reporting Data Points in Ascending or Descending Orders

You can now sort by different reporting widgets in Sprinklr Selfserve on any desired data points in ascending or descending orders. This capability will help you get a more comprehensive view of your overall team performance.