Create and Edit Custom Roles


Roles help restrict what a user (i.e, an Agent or a Manager) can see and do within the Workspace.

Sprinklr Social/Service allows you with the capability for creating and editing Roles and setting up different platform permissions to assign to different users helping you to streamline and optimise your work efficiency.

Standard roles provided in Sprinklr Social/Service :

  1. Admin

  2. Manager (Sprinklr Social)

  3. Supervisor (Sprinklr Service)

  4. Author (Sprinklr Social)

  5. Agent (Sprinklr Service)

To create Custom Role :

  1. From Homepage of Sprinklr Social/Service, navigate to Settings from the left side pane.

  2. Select Roles under Global Governance or search for Roles in search bar.

  3. In Roles window, you would be able to see all the Users alongside Role Name.
    Inserting image...

  4. To create a new Custom Role , click on Create Role from the top right corner.

  5. In Create Role window, write the name of the role, write a description and assign to a User/Team added on the platform

  6. Click on Set Permission Tab near to Create Role

  7. In Set Permission Window, select from list of functionalities and modules that you want to enable or disable for that role.

    In Set Permission Window, you can toggle off or on different functionalities for different modules
    - On left hand pane, you can select from Sprinklr Social/Service and Global Governance
    - Select any module for which you wish to assign permission for that role.

To edit Custom Role :

Standard Roles : For these roles provided by default, you can only edit "Assingn to User/Teams" to which these roles are assigned to.

You wont be able to able to edit any other property such as name, description and permission settings. You also won't be able to delete these standard roles provided.

  1. To edit any custom role created, click on three dots next to the Role you wish to make changes to.

  2. In Edit Role Window, you will only be able to change the Name, Description along with 'Assign to User/Team" fields.

  3. You will also be able to change set permissions for these custom role created.

In this way, you will be able to create and edit Custom Roles. If you face any issues even after following the above mentioned steps, feel free to contact Product Support to help resolve your query or an issue.