Create a Card Template for WhatsApp Business


You can create a card template in WhatsApp Assets to send it on WhatsApp Business to help your customers easily send a message in the conversation thread just by clicking one of the options. After creating a card template in the WhatsApp Assets, it can be sent by creating a Chatbot on Platform.

To create a Card template in WhatsApp Asset

  1. Log in to Sprinklr Self-serve. On the Home Page, click on Settings icon on the left-hand side. Under Sprinklr Service category, click WhatsApp Business within Messaging.

  1. Under the WhatsApp Business page, you will view two tabs - WhatsApp Accounts and WhatsApp Assets displaying the list of WhatsApp accounts and Assets. Click on the 3 dots icon in the top right corner and select Create WhatsApp Asset.

  1. Now, you need to provide details such as WhatsApp Card and Message Details. Select the Template Name and the type of WhatsApp card to be created under WhatsApp Cards details.

  2. Personalize your chat experience by setting up your WhatsApp message. Provide Message Details as shown below in the table:



Header Type

Select the suitable header type from None, Text, Image, Document, and Video

Header Text

Provide a header to your Text card template.

Upload Image/Document/Video

Click to select the desired image/document/video for your Image, Document, and Video card templates.


Enter the text message for your card.


1024 characters (including spaces and special characters)


Enter the text that will appear beneath the message.


60 characters (including spaces and special characters)

Button 1: Label

Under Button 1, enter the Button label for button 1.


20 characters (including spaces and special characters. Also, no space should be put at the beginning and end of the buttons)

Add Buttons

Click to add a new button to your card template. You can add up to 3 buttons.