Automations for Message Creation and Published Posts


Automation is a set of rules that get triggered based on certain predefined conditions. It helps you simplify complex workflows by eliminating repetitive tasks such as taking a set of actions on messages and posts based on conditions. 


Creating Automation in case of Message Creation

  1. Go to Settings from the left pane of Sprinklr Self-Serve and search for Automations under Sprinklr Social



  1. Click Create Automation in the top right corner of the Automations window. 



Select Automation Type from the following: 


  • Message Creation - Rules get triggered each time a message is received and are applied to the messages which satisfy the filtering condition. 


  1. Click Create in the bottom right corner. 




Configure Automations conditions 

Conditions are triggers that help the system execute automation actions on your tickets. When a condition does not return true, automation will not take place. You can add multiple conditions while creating automation for your upcoming tickets. 

For example, if you want to add a note to the tickets coming from Facebook, you can use: 

  • Condition - Keyword containing hello 

  • Action - Add a Note 

It will automatically add a note to Inbox messages coming from Facebook to your support portal. 

You can follow the below steps to configure your automation conditions: 

  1. Click the Addition icon on the Automation Builder window to define ticket conditions.  

  1. On the Define Conditions pop-up window, enter a name for your condition in the Condition Box Title field. 


3. Under the Conditions section, select the desired rules to segregate the upcoming tickets. For the list of available conditions, see Automation Conditions — Description


Configure Automation actions on upcoming messages 

You can further configure desired actions on your messages after configuring the conditions. These actions define what happens if all the condition statements are satisfied. You can add multiple actions to trigger if all of your conditions are true. 



You can follow the below steps to configure automation actions: 

  1. On the Automation Builder window, click the Addition icon and select from the list of actions that you want to execute on the upcoming tickets. For the list of available actions, see Automation Actions — Description. In this case, you have added a bulk action “Add a Note” if the keyword in the Inbox messages from a particular Facebook account is “hello”. 



This is how the decision tree looks in the automation builder: 

Once the automation for message creation is created, Toggle on the automation to see the results in the Inbox messages. 


Now, you can drop a comment from one of the Facebook accounts and see how the automation works in the Inbox messages. 


You can see the note has been added under the Message Notes to the Inbox message with the keyword “hello” automatically. 



Creating Automation in case of Published Posts 


Select Automation Type from the following: 


Published Updates - Rules help you perform a set of actions on newly created posts based on pre-defined conditions. 


Click Create in the bottom right corner. 


Configure Automations conditions 

Conditions are triggers that help the system execute automation actions on your tickets. When a condition does not return true, automation will not take place. You can add multiple conditions while creating automation for your upcoming tickets. 

You can follow the below steps to configure your automation conditions: 

  1. Click the Addition icon on the Automation Builder window to define ticket conditions. 

  1. On the Define Conditions pop-up window, enter a name for your condition in the Condition Box Title field. 


3. Under the Conditions section, select the desired rules to segregate the upcoming tickets. For the list of available conditions, see Automation Conditions — Description


Configure Automation actions on upcoming messages 


You can further configure desired actions on your messages after configuring the conditions. These actions define what happens if all the condition statements are satisfied. You can add multiple actions to trigger if all of your conditions are true. 


You can follow the below steps to configure automation actions: 


On the Automation Builder window, click the Addition icon and select from the list of actions that you want to execute on the upcoming tickets. For the list of available actions, see Automation Actions — Description. In this case, you have added a bulk action Add Tags if the keyword in the Published Posts from a particular Facebook account is Fashion. Click Save at the end. 




This is how the decision tree looks in the automation builder: 





Once the automation for published post is created, Toggle on the automation to see the results in the Published Post section of Inbox. 




Now, you can publish a post from the Publisher. Click on the + plus icon from the left pane and select new post from the dropdown to publish the message and see how the automation works in the Published Posts section under Inbox. Click here to see how the post is published from the Publsiher. 




You can see the tag has been added under the Message properties of the published post with the keyword sustainable fashion and fashion week automatically.