Creating and using inbox fields


You can create custom fields via Inbox Fields to capture additional information on your messages. 


Go to Settings from the left pane of Sprinklr Self-Serve and choose Sprinklr Social. Choose Inbox Fields under Inbox and Publishing



The record manager page will appear under Inbox Fields. It has a list of post fields displaying its status.  


To create Inbox Fields 


  1. Click Create Inbox Fields in the top right corner to create a new custom field. 

  1. Provide the desired details for the Inbox field: 

Name: Provide the name of the Inbox field. 

Description: You can provide the description of the Inbox custom field. 

Field Type: You can choose different field types such as multi-select, single, text, date, number, and pencil. 

Enable Colour Coding: You can enable color coding, if you want to. The options provided will be segregated by different colors. 

Mark as Required: You can choose this option, if you want to make the custom field mandatory to be filled at the time of collecting information about the messages.  








  1. Click Create in the bottom right corner. 

  1. You can edit and duplicate the custom field also. Click on the 3 dots icon against the custom field and choose the desired option from the dropdown. 





  1. Besides that, you can drag and drop the custom field also from one point to another. In such a case, the position of the custom field will change.  



Inbox fields in Inbox 


Click the Inbox icon from the left pane of Sprinklr Self. The list of messages will appear which will have the Message Properties under the Overview section on the right pane. The Message Properties will display a list of custom fields that you have created or the existing inbox custom fields such as reasons for contact, continent, etc.