Tasks Creation & Management in Sprinklr


In order to effectively manage tasks and streamline collaboration within teams, Sprinklr offers a powerful task management module. With this feature, supervisors can easily delegate tasks to team members and keep track of progress, ensuring efficient workflow and successful completion of organizational objectives.

Navigating Tasks:

  1. Access the Tasks tab from the left pane of the platform home page.

  2. The Task tab presents four pre-set streams:

    a. My Tasks: Displays tasks assigned to you, including key details such as Associated To, Priority, Due Date, and Assigned To.

    b. My Team's Tasks: Shows filtered tasks assigned to users who are part of your teams.

    c. All Tasks: Provides a comprehensive list of all tasks, including those assigned to you and your team. It includes Associated To, Priority, Due Date, and Assigned To as essential elements.

    d. Created by Me: Lists tasks created by you, featuring the same elements as above.

Task Details:

View task details in the third pane, including:

  • Task Description

  • Priority

  • Due Date

  • Assignee Name

  • Associated Entity Details

  • Notes

Associated Entity's Details:

When viewing a task, you can also access the details of the associated entity in the Overview tab of the third pane. This includes information such as Campaign Title, Insights, Posts, Tasks, and Notes. Actions like editing, unarchiving the entity, or deleting tasks related to the entity can be performed using the respective icons at the top. Deleted entities/assets are highlighted in red.

Task Management Actions:

To enhance task management efficiency, Sprinklr offers the following actions:

  • Filter Tasks: Apply filters such as Task Status, Task Priority, Creator, and Asset to narrow down the task list.

  • Sort: Arrange tasks based on due date, date created, assignee, status, priority, or association. Sort tasks in ascending or descending order as needed.

  • Visibility Settings: Customize the list columns in the Task tab according to your preferences, such as Associated To, Priority, Due Date, and Assignee. Group tasks by Status, Priority, Assigned To, or Created By.

  • Search Bar: Utilize the search bar to quickly find specific tasks.

  • Create Tasks: Click on the Create Task icon to generate new tasks. Provide essential details such as Task Title, Description, Priority, Assignee, and Due Date.