Domain Based Listening (Glassdoor, Trip Advisor, Google Reviews, Apple Play Store, and Google Play Store)


How you can diversify topic results and keywords from review and domain sources such as Glassdoor, Trip Advisor, Google Reviews, Apple Play Store, and Google Play and enhance customer engagement.

We have now added 5 sources for Reviews and Domains such as Glassdoor, Trip Advisor, Google Reviews, Apple Play Store, and Google Play Store, from where you can listen and create a topic.

Create Topic from multiple sources

Click on the Insight option from the left pane. The list of topics will be displayed containing the messages from various social and online sources.

The list of Topics will be displayed that comprises of keywords and basic logic operators which are used to fetch messages from social and online sources.

Click Add New Topic icon in the top right corner.

The Overview page will appear where you need to provide the topic name and add the desired listening sources from where you want to create a new topic. Here you can select additional reviews and domain sources added by Sprinklr and start listening from Domain based sources.


If you are using Review channels, you cannot use Social channels with them.