Editing Topics


We empower you to fine-tune your analysis by enabling you to edit Topics Reports according to your evolving requirements. This flexibility ensures that your insights remain current and aligned with your strategic goals.

To edit a Topics Report, follow these steps:

1. Accessing Insights: Begin by navigating to the "Insights" section from the left-side navigation bar on the homepage.
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2. Selecting Topics: Within the Insights section, choose "Topics" to view the list of all the topics you've created. These topics are displayed in the Topics window on the right side of the screen.

3. Choose the Report: Identify the report you wish to edit from the list. Click on the three-dot icon associated with that report.

4. Select Edit: Among the available options, choose "Edit" to initiate the editing process. This opens the "Edit Topic" window.
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5. Revise Your Report: In the Edit Topic window, you have the freedom to modify every aspect of the report. It's similar to creating a new topic report. For reference, you can also consult the article on how to build a topic query.

6. Updating the Report: Once you're satisfied with the changes made in the Edit Topic window, click on the "Update Topic and View Report" button located at the bottom right corner.

Your report will be promptly updated to reflect the changes you've applied.