Filtering topics dashboard


Enhance Your Topics Reports with Filtering Options:

Refining your Topics reports to extract precise insights is made possible through powerful filtering options. These options empower you to tailor your analysis according to specific criteria, resulting in more targeted and actionable results.

You can refine your Topics report by filtering based on the following attributes:

1. Source: Filter conversations based on the social channels from which they originate, including platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Quora, and News.

2. Country: Narrow down your analysis by focusing on discussions from specific countries.

3. Language: Analyze conversations that are conducted in a particular language, ensuring you comprehend discussions more accurately.

4. Themes: If you've incorporated themes during report creation, you can further refine your analysis by focusing on specific thematic clusters.

To utilize these filtering options within your Topics report dashboard, follow these steps:

1. Access the Filtering Option: From your Topics Reports Dashboard, click on the funnel-shaped icon to access the filtering options.

2. Select Your Criteria: Within the filtering options, choose from Source, Language, Country, or Themes based on your analytical needs.

3. Apply Filters: Depending on your selection, follow the prompts to select specific sources, languages, countries, or themes to apply filters to your report.

4. Clear Filters: If you wish to remove all applied filters and view the entire dataset, click on the "Clear ALL" option.

Refining your Topics reports through these filtering options ensures that you obtain the most relevant and insightful information, contributing to informed decision-making and strategic actions.