How is Topic and Quick Search different ?


Distinguishing Quick Search and Listening Topics in Social Listening

When it comes to delving into social media and web conversations, both Quick Search and Listening Topics are valuable tools within Listening module. These tools facilitate different levels of exploration and analysis, tailored to your specific needs. Let's break down their differences, use cases, and when to choose one over the other.

Quick Search:

Quick Search is your swift gateway to search and analyze a massive pool of social media and web conversations. It's perfect for gaining actionable insights into your brand without delving into intricate details. Quick Search offers results in a snap, making it ideal for a rapid overview.

Key Features and Attributes of Quick Search:

  • Supports Twitter, Reddit, Quora, and News platforms.

  • Provides quick and straightforward results.

  • Suitable for a broad understanding of conversations.

  • Limited customization and constraints.

  • Offers essential metrics and dimensions.

  • Notable for its efficiency in delivering speedy insights.


Listening Topics, on the other hand, is your avenue to perform a deep, comprehensive, and refined analysis of conversations. It's designed for thorough exploration, enabling you to create nuanced queries and uncover intricate insights within conversations.

Key Features and Attributes of Listening Topics:

  • Offers a refined and detailed analysis.

  • Supports a wide range of platforms, including Facebook Pages and Instagram alongside Twitter, Reddit, Quora, and News.

  • Enables in-depth query customization and constraints.

  • Provides additional filters, such as Exclude Retweets & Quoted Retweets and Show messages only from Verified Users for Twitter

  • Incorporates the concept of Themes for better categorization and comparison.

  • Generates reports that update in real-time for continuous monitoring.

  • Integrated Advanced Query Builder for intricate query creation.

  • Supports report sharing within the workspace.

When to Choose Which:

  • Quick Search: Opt for Quick Search when you need rapid insights into conversations for an initial overview. It's perfect for swift understanding and quick data points. Use it to monitor ongoing trends or obtain a snapshot of current discussions.

  • Listening Topics: Choose Listening Topics when you seek in-depth analysis and want to uncover specific insights. Utilize it for crafting complex queries, detailed tracking, and nuanced understanding of conversations. Listening Topics is your go-to for comprehensive exploration and ongoing monitoring of tailored topics.

In conclusion, the choice between Quick Search and Listening Topics depends on your objectives. If you're looking for a quick glance at trends, Quick Search is your ally. However, when detailed exploration, customization, and ongoing monitoring are essential, Listening Topics stands as the more refined and powerful choice. Sprinklr's tools empower you to extract valuable insights, whether you're skimming the surface or diving deep into the world of social media conversations.