Understanding the Topic dashboard


Unlock Insights with Topics Dashboard

Welcome to the realm of the Topics Dashboard – a dynamic tool designed to provide you with deep insights and powerful functionalities. By entering your keywords, hashtags, or queries, you gain access to a wealth of information across five integral sections, helping you navigate the digital landscape with precision.

1. Overview:

The "Overview" section offers a holistic view of diverse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) linked to your topic. It encompasses data across three primary categories:

a. Summary:

In this segment, immerse yourself in performance KPIs associated with your topic. A variety of widgets offer unique insights:

  • Mentions: Displays the count of posts related to your topic.

  • Unique Users: Presents the number of distinct users engaged in discussions about your topic.

  • Reach: Quantifies the potential audience size involved in conversations about your topic.

  • Mentions Trend: Tracks the frequency trend of mentions connected to your topic.

  • Sentiment Summary: Offers an overview of the overall sentiment surrounding your topic.

  • Sentiment Trend: Monitor the changing sentiment trends tied to your topic.

  • Source Distribution: Analyzes sentiment distribution across various sources, such as Twitter, Reddit, news platforms, and Quora.

Each widget invites further analysis. Clicking on any KPI opens a third pane, revealing deeper layers of insight.

b. Media Coverage:

Gauge media coverage across established and emerging publication houses with dedicated widgets:

  • Media Coverage Trend: Track fluctuations in news articles related to your topic.

  • Media Coverage: Top Tier Publications: Breakdown of news articles across prominent publications.

  • Media Coverage: Top Emerging Publications: Insight into media coverage from emerging sources.

  • Top News Stories: Presents notable news stories related to your topic, ranked by Domain Authority.

c. Brand Associations:

Measure and monitor brand mentions linked to your topic with widgets that cover:

  • Top Discussed Brands: Evaluate performance of brands frequently discussed in relation to your topic.

  • Brand Coverage Trends: Monitor trends surrounding brands discussed within your topic's conversations.

2. Conversations:

Step into the "Conversations" tab, a realm that allows you to actively listen to discussions revolving around your keyword. This immersive space includes insights driven by AI to unravel invaluable perspectives within these conversations.

Widgets within this section:

  • Top Voice of Customer (VOC) Categories: Discern primary VOC categories shaping discussions related to your topic.

  • Trend of VOC Categories: Stay updated on evolving trends tied to VOC categories within your topic.

  • Top Trending Hashtags: Identify influential and trending hashtags within conversations about your topic.

  • Most Popular Keywords: Highlight pivotal keywords consistently surfacing in discussions about your topic.

  • Top Associated Emotions: Recognize AI-detected emotional nuances interwoven into your topic's conversations.

  • Top Emoticons Used: Understand frequently used emoticons shaping the emotional tone of your topic.

3. Author:

Unveil the voices and personas behind discussions about your chosen keywords with the "Author" section. This category encompasses insights into demographics, influencer identification, and detractor recognition.

Demographics Insights:

  • Audience Distribution by Gender: Grasp the gender-based composition of individuals engaging with your topic.

  • Audience Distribution by Age Category: Understand the generational breakdown of your audience discussing the topic.

  • Audience Distribution by Country: Gain insights into the geographical reach of your topic's conversations.

  • Audience Distribution by General Interest: Identify common areas of interest among your audience related to your topic.


  • Influencer Amplification: Identify top influencers driving discussions about your topic.

  • Top Advocates: Recognize users contributing positively to conversations around your topic.

  • Top Detractors: Identify influential users expressing negative sentiments about your topic.

4. Message Streams:

Lastly, the "Message Streams" segment lets you explore individual messages and associated key metrics. This section offers two distinct views: the "Message" view and the "Profile" view.

  • Message View: Examine individual messages, access the native platform by clicking on handles or dates.

  • Profile View: Explore users' profiles and messages posted on their native platform.

Each message showcases its reach in the bottom right corner.

5. Themes:

Categorize your mentions for a structured approach within the "Themes" section. This category is divided into three insightful categories:

Theme Insights:

  • Share of Voice: Understand the volume of conversations tied to key themes within your topic.

  • Mentions Trend: Track trends in mentions around each theme within your topic.

  • Sentiment Summary: Gain insights into sentiments across conversations tied to key themes.

  • Top Discussed Brands: Benchmark co-mentioned brands within theme-related discussions.

Conversation Insights:

  • Top Trending Hashtags: Explore influential hashtags related to themes within your topic.

  • Top Associated Emotions: Understand AI-detected emotions embedded in conversations tied to themes.

Demographics Insights:

  • Audience Distribution by Gender: Grasp gender-based distribution around themes.

  • Audience Distribution by Age Category: Understand age-wise distribution around themes.

  • Audience Distribution by Country: Gain insights into geographical dispersion around themes.

  • Audience Distribution by General Interest: Identify overarching interests linked to conversations around themes.

By embracing the "Topics Dashboard," you're empowered to harness unparalleled insights from your keywords. Traverse the diverse sections to uncover a comprehensive perspective, enabling informed decisions and strategic actions.