Understanding Ticket Queue


Understand everything about Ticket Queues and how it helps agents to receive the relevant tickets at the right time based on pre-defined conditions.

A Ticket Queue is an ordered collection of tickets that get assigned to agents based on predefined conditions. Queues ensure that the right tickets reach the right agents at the right time. With Ticket Queue, you can define queue conditions for tickets received on Digital Channels and Voice Channels separately. A Voice Channel is defined when a customer reaches out to the support via a call whereas channels like Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Livechat, etc. are called Digital Channels.

All the received tickets can be stored into different groups based on various predefined conditions. These conditions can be set based on the business hours you define ensuring that all your tickets reach the right agents/teams and are resolved at the right time.

For example, if you create a Ticket Queue A with the keyword “Refund”, all the tickets with the keyword Refund will fall into the Ticket Queue A.

Ticket queues also let you define actions that you want to trigger when you are not available since you are Out of business hours. It helps you automatically trigger the required actions with a personalised message.

For example, if you receive a ticket in your queue while your team is out, you can reply to your customer with an auto-response ensuring that the team is unavailable and will get back soon.

Refer to the following video to better understand the ticket queue:

You can further read the below article to see the steps of creating a ticket queue:

Types of Ticket Queues

You can create 3 different types of Ticket Queues:

  • Digital Only - For digital channels like Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, LiveChat, etc.

  • Voice Only - For customers reaching out to support through Voice calls.

  • Digital & Voice- For defining combined conditions for Digital & Voice channels.

To create a Digital Only Ticket Queue

  1. Log into Sprinklr Advanced. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar and under Routing, click Ticket Queues.

  2. To create a new ticket queue, click Create Ticket Queue in the top right corner of the Ticket Queue window.

  3. On the Create Ticket Queue window, enter a Name and an optional Description for your ticket queue.

  4. Select Digital Only within the Select Type of Queue section to create a Digital Only ticket queue.
    You can further add Queue Conditions to distribute tickets with specific properties so that tickets can be routed accordingly. You can use conditions like “Platform Containing Twitter” to segregate tickets and assign them to the relevant teams/agents. Click the Addition icon alongside the condition field to add multiple conditions to your queue.

  5. There are multiple Queue Conditions under Ticket Queue listed below:



    Company Industry

    Configure automated action to the tickets raised from a specific industry.

    Ticket Language

    Set automation action to the tickets raised by a particular contact by entering their contact names.

    Contact Language

    Based on the language of the ticket, you can set different automation actions for easy resolution.


    Set automated actions to the tickets raised from various channels.


    Segregate tickets coming from multiple accounts.


    Enter keywords to set automation rules to tickets filtered using various keywords.

    Last Fan Message Keywords

    Use this condition to trigger automation based on the previous message keyword sent by customers.

    Last Fan Message AI Engageable

    This condition helps you trigger automation-based engageable messages identified by Sprinklr AI.

    Twitter Profile Verified

    Use this condition to trigger an action if the Twitter profile of the customer is verified or not.

    Twitter Profile Bio

    Use this condition if you want to trigger action based on the content of the customer’s Twitter profile bio.


    Segregate tickets based on sentiments.

    Contact Name

    Set automation action to the tickets raised by a specific contact by entering their contact names.

    Contact Email

    Segregate upcoming tickets based on particular email addresses.

    Contact Followers

    Segregate tickets based on the volume of the followers of the contacts.

    Message Rating

    Use this condition if you want to trigger actions based on message rating which could be greater than, greater than or equals to, equals to, less than, less than or equals to the desired value.

    Ticket Fields


    Set automated actions to the tickets with various statuses, for example, escalated, closed, awaiting a response, etc.


    Execute desired automated actions to the tickets that come from a specific company.

    Predicted CSAT Score

    Execute desired set of actions on the tickets with various CSAT scores.

    Ticket Type

    Configure a set of actions to the tickets that have various issues such as Enquiry, Feedback, Leads, etc.

    Case Currently With

    Execute desired automated actions if the case is with bot/agent.


    Add automated actions to the tickets that come to your support teams based on various tags.


    Based on different ticket priorities, you can configure different automation rules.


    Execute desired automated actions by adding a description to your tickets

    Is Profane

    Configure a set of actions if the ticket is of profane nature.

    Contact Fields


    Execute desired automated actions to the tickets that come from a specific company.


    Add automated actions to the tickets that come to your support teams based on various tags.

    Profile Type

    Add automated actions to the tickets as per the profile type such as Blogger, Influencer, Journalist, etc.

    Company Fields


    Add automated actions to the tickets that come to your support teams based on various tags.

    Company Type

    Execute automated actions to the tickets as per the company type.

  6. Select the desired Agent(s) and/or Team(s) from the Assign To drop-down menu to assign the tickets from the ticket queue you are creating.

  7. Select the desired business hour from the Business Hour drop-down menu and define the hours of availability for this queue for accurate SLA monitoring. To learn more about Business Hour, see Business Hour.

  8. Click Create Business Hours under the Business Hours drop-down menu to create a business hour upfront if you don't have any existing business hours.

  9. Toggle on to Enable auto-response on out of Business Hour for Messages. This will enable you to set up actions that will trigger when you receive a ticket out of your business hours.

    For example, if you set an action to Send a Canned Response, every time you receive a ticket out of the business hour, an automated response will be sent to the customer.

  10. Click Create once done.

To create a Voice Only Ticket Queue

  1. Log into Sprinklr Advanced. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar and under Routing, click Ticket Queues.

  2. To create a new ticket queue, click Create Ticket Queue in the top right corner of the Ticket Queue window.

  3. On the Create Ticket Queue window, enter a Name and an optional Description for your ticket queue.

  4. Select Voice Only within the Select Type of Queue section to create a Voice Only ticket queue.

  5. Under the Setup Voice section, provide the required information. For more information, see Setup Voice Field — Description.

  6. Select the desired Agent(s) and/or Team(s) from the Assign To drop-down menu to assign the tickets from the ticket queue you are creating.

  7. Select the desired business hour from the Business Hour drop-down menu and define the hours of availability for this queue for accurate SLA monitoring. To learn more about Business Hour, see Business Hour.

  8. Toggle on to Enable auto-response on out of Business Hour for Voice Calls. This will enable you to set up actions that will trigger when you receive a call out of your business hours.

    For example, if you set the action to Hangup, every time you receive a voice call out of the business hour, the call will automatically be disconnected.

  9. Click Create once done.

To create Digital and Voice Ticket Queue

  1. Log into Sprinklr Advanced. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar and under Routing, click Ticket Queues.

  2. To create a new ticket queue, click Create Ticket Queue in the top right corner of the Ticket Queue window.

  3. On the Create Ticket Queue window, enter a Name and an optional Description for your ticket queue.

  4. Select Digital and Voice within the Select Type of Queue section to create a combined ticket queue.
    You can further add Queue Conditions to distribute tickets with specific properties so that tickets can be routed accordingly. You can use conditions like “Platform Containing Twitter” to segregate tickets and assign them to the relevant teams/agents.

  5. Define Queue Conditions for the queue along with the Voice details. For more information, see Setup Voice Field — Description.

  6. To finalise your queue, follow steps 6, 7, and 8 under Create a Digital Only Ticket Queue.

To clone a Ticket Queue

  1. Log into Sprinklr Advanced. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar and under Routing, click Ticket Queues.

  2. Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired queue and click Clone.

  3. On the Clone Queue pop-up window, click Clone. It will automatically create a new queue. You can further edit and make the desired changes.

Setup Voice Field — Description



Welcome Music

Select welcome music from the drop-down menu to greet your customers.

Welcome music is the greeting music that will be played when a customer calls your customer support. These music are voice messages that you have created in the Voice Messages module.

Wait time before call disconnects

Setup the maximum wait time value for your queue after which the call will be disconnected for the customer.

Call Waiting Music

Select the call waiting music that will be played for the customer as they wait for an agent to be assigned to them

Action if Call not answered in wait time

Select the action which will be taken if the customer is not assigned any agent within the wait time. In case the selected action is Hangup, select the Hangup music which will be played for the customer before the call is disconnected.

Hangup Music

Select the action which will be taken if the customer is not assigned any agent within the wait time. In case the selected action is Hangup, select the Hangup music which will be played for the customer before the call is disconnected.

After Call Work

Select the After Call Work (ACW) from the drop-down menu to attach to this queue. ACW lets an agent add Notes and Disposition to the voice call.


It is advisable that proper routings are setup in Ticket Queues so that only relevant information are displayed to your agents. Incorrect routing may lead to incorrect data disclosure and hence should be avoided.