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Use To-Do List to prioritise upcoming tasks

How you can leverage the To-Do list feature of Sprinklr Service and plan your upcoming tasks effectively and efficiently.To-Do list is a collection of tasks that helps you manage tickets in an organised and synchronised manner. In Sprinklr Service, you will have two types of to-do lists, one at the

To-Do list

Agent Workflow

Additional Care Console Actions


Mark tickets as spam to avoid receiving any malicious content

How can you move unwarranted tickets from the ticket trail in the spam folder if the email content is harmful or suspicious in nature.You can mark tickets that contain malicious attachments or suspicious messages as Spam along with the Contacts who sent the email in Care Console. This will help you

Mark Emails as Spam

Agent Workflow

Mark Contact as Spam

Additional Care Console Actions


Using Quick Actions in Care Console

Learn how Quick Actions in Care Console reduces multiple clicks on routine actions to a single click - saving the agent's time and increasing productivity manifold.Quick Actions are a combination of frequently performed actions on tickets that you can execute with a single click. They are also known

Agent Workflow

Quick Actions

Additional Care Console Actions


View Ticket Activity to track actions performed on a Ticket

How ticket activity can help you keep track of agents, supervisors, or admin's actions on the tickets.The Ticket Activity trail displays all the updates related to a ticket, whether it’s by an agent, supervisor, or admin. For example, if an agent escalates a ticket, the activity will be recorded on

View Ticket Activity

Ticket Activity trail

Agent Workflow

Sprinklr Advanced

