Youtube Social Settings


Once your Youtube account has been added to Sprinklr, you need to Toggle On to enable users to reply to inbound messages in Inbox from this account. If disabled, this account will not be available for users to reply to fan messages. Additionally, it allows users to publish outbound posts from this account. If disabled, this account will not be available in the publisher for users to plan outbound posts and all scheduled posts will not be published. 

  1. On the Youtube page, click on the 3 dots icon against the Youtube account that has been added.


  2. On the Social Settings page, you can Toggle On to allow publishing and replies from the Youtube account. 



Allow publishing from this account


Enable this to allow users to publish outbound posts from this account. If disabled, this account will not be available in the publisher for users to plan outbound posts and all scheduled posts will not be published. 


Allow replies from this account 


Enable this to allow users to reply to inbound messages in their Inbox from this account. If disabled, this account will not be available for users to reply to fan messages. 


  1. Click Save after that.