Snapchat Reporting Glossary
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3 months ago
, by Sprinklr Self-Serve Help Center
In this article, you will be able to view the list of Snapchat Profile reporting metrics made available in Sprinklr Self Serve Custom Reporting Module.
Metric | Description |
Snapchat Profile Subscribes | The number of users who have subscribed to the profile. |
Snapchat Profile Unsubscribes | The number of users who have subscribed to the profile. |
Snapchat Profile Subscribers | The total number of users currently subscribed to the profile. |
Snapchat Profile Subscribers Gained from Story | The number of new subscribers gained from views on the profile's story. |
Snapchat Profile Subscribers Gained | The total number of new subscribers gained over a specific period. |
Snapchat Profile Views | The number of views on the profile. |
Snapchat Profile Social Context Unlocks | The number of times users have unlocked social context (like viewing mutual friends) on the profile. |
Snapchat Story and Snap Replies | The number of replies received on stories and snaps. |
Snapchat Asset View Time In Milliseconds | The total amount of time, in milliseconds, that users have spent viewing an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Unique Viewers | The number of unique users who have viewed an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Views | The total number of views on an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Swipe Downs | The number of times users have swiped down on an asset. |
Snapchat Story Views | The number of times stories have been viewed. |
Snapchat Asset Clicks | The number of clicks on an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Interactions | The total number of interactions (clicks, replies, shares, etc.) on an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Shares | The total number of interactions (clicks, replies, shares, etc.) on an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Unique Sessions | The number of unique sessions (distinct viewing periods) for an asset. |
Snapchat Asset Average View Time In Milliseconds | The average amount of time, in milliseconds, that users spend viewing an asset. |
Snapchat Saved Story Views | The number of views on saved stories. |