YouTube Reporting Glossary
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3 months ago
, by Sprinklr Self-Serve Help Center
In this article, you will be able to view the list of YouTube Account reporting metrics made available in Sprinklr Self Serve Custom Reporting Module.
Metric | Description |
YouTube Channel Subscribers | YouTube Channel Subscribers Gained minus YouTube Channel Subscribers Lost |
YouTube Channel Subscribers Lost | As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel. Data for this metric is reported similarly to the subscribersGained metric. In channel reports, this metric includes subscribers lost through any mechanism through which users can unsubscribe from a channel. However, in reports that use either the video dimension or the filter parameter to restrict the response to only include data for a particular video, this metric only includes users who unsubscribed from the specified video's watch page. |
YouTube Channel Subscribers Gained | Number of times that users subscribed to a channel |
YouTube Video Comments | Number of times that users commented on a video |
YouTube Video Shares | Number of times that users shared a video through the Share button |
YouTube Channel Views | Number of times that a video was viewed |
YouTube Video Average View Duration | It is the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. |
YouTube Video Views | Number of times your Youtube video has been viewed |
YouTube Video Likes | Number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
YouTube Video Dislikes | Number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating |
YouTube Channel Views By Demographics | Provides number of views of the YouTube Channel |
YouTube Video Views Percentage By Demographics | This is a metric provided via the YouTube API. Google defines this as the percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching your video. |
YouTube Video Views By Device | Number of times that a video was viewed |
YouTube Video Likes By Country | Number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating |
YouTube Video Views By Country | Number of times that a video was viewed |
YouTube Channel Views By Country | Number of views of the YouTube Channel |
YouTube Video Views Trend | Provides a daily total number for all YouTube Video Views |
YouTube Video Comments Trend | Provides a daily total number for all YouTube Video Comments |
YouTube Video Likes Trend | Provides a daily total number for all YouTube Video Likes |
YouTube Video Shares Trend | Provides a daily total number for all YouTube Video Shares |
YouTube Video Views By Player Location | Number of times that a video was viewed |
YouTube Video Views By Referrer | Aggregates View data based on the referrer type, which describes the manner in which users reached the video |