Tasks and Guardrails


Tasks are pre-established workflows that your target user follows when engaging with your Digital Twin. These workflows are tailored to your industry, such as the financial sector, as exemplified by the process of purchasing home loans. 


  1. Click on the Settings icon from the left pane of Sprinklr Self-Serve. 

  2. Select Digital Twin under Global Governance. 

  3. The list of Digital Twin appears. Select any one of the Digital Twins to which you want to add Tasks and Skills. 

  4. Click on the 3 dots icon against the selected Digital Twin and choose Edit option from the dropdown menu. 


Create Tasks and Guardrails 

Now, let’s see how you can create tasks and guardrails that Digital Twin can use within the workflow. 

The Setup page will appear where you will add Tasks and Guardrails to set boundaries for safe and ethical interactions. 


  1. Click on the View CTA next to Tasks under Tasks and Guardrails. 

 Skills are micro-actions that will help you set up Tasks for your Digital Twin.  

  1. The Task Manager page will appear that contains tabs- Tasks and Skills. Click on the View Skill icon in the top right of the Skill tab.  

  2. The Skills page will appear. Now, click on the Add Skill icon in the top right corner. Two types of Skills are there – Quick Action and Send Message. 


There are two types of Skills: 

  1. Quick Action: A skill that will help agents to update ticket properties such as Name, Phone Number, or any other new fields. It contains Default Quick Actions and Custom Quick Actions. You can refer to the help article for more details. 

  1. Send Message: A skill used to send a confirmation message/E-mail/SMS/ Whatsapp to the customer. Three channels are supported to send confirmation message – WhatsApp, E-mail, and SMS. 

Create Quick Action Skill 

Add the following details to create a Quick Action Skill:

  1. Provide a suitable name and description for the Quick Action skill you want to create. 

  2. Choose the desired Quick Actions you want to add in the Setup Function. You can either select custom or default Quick Actions from the dropdown. 

  3. Click Save after adding all the details. 


Create Send Message Skill 

Add the following details to create Send Message Skill 

  1. Provide a suitable name and description for the Send Message skill you want to create. 

  2. Now under Setup Function, choose the channel and the Account where you want to send the confirmation message. 

  3. Click Save once all the details are saved. 


  4. Once the Skills are defined, Digital Twin can use those skills in Tasks to take any action. Here is a sample of Skills that Digital Twin can pick to take any required action during customer interaction.

 Create Task 

Now, to create a Task. Click on the Add Task icon in the top right corner and select Create from Scratch from the dropdown.  A new Task dashboard appears where you need to add the task description, define task, and Task Governance details. 

Add Task Description 

  1. Provide a suitable Name, Description, and Category to the Task. 


Prompts are the instructions that you want your twin to follow to accomplish the Task workflow. These prompts serve as helpful reminders, instructions, or suggestions to assist the users in completing tasks, navigating features, or adhering to best practices. By providing clear and concise prompts, Digital Twin enhances user experience, encourages efficient utilization of platform functionalities, and helps users achieve their objectives effectively. 

  1. Now, define a task by clicking on Add Prompt icon.

  2. Now, click on Create Prompt option from the list of Saved Prompts.  

  3. Now, add a prompt name and add custom prompt by using skills based on your use-case.  Please note, use @ to add skill in the prompt. Once the prompt is created, click Save.  

Here is a sample prompt for your reference:  

  1. Click on Add Prompt icon below to add multiple prompts at a time which the Digital Twin can use to converse with the customer. 

  2. This is how you can add tasks for the Digital Twin. Here is a sample task for your reference: 

  3. You can create multiple Tasks in a similar manner and all of them will be available in the Tasks Manager. 

Guardrails are predefined boundaries or limits set within the platform to guide users and ensure compliance with policies, regulations, or best practices. These guardrails serve to protect the integrity of data, maintain consistency in operations, and mitigate risks associated with misuse or improper configurations. 

Create Guardrails 

  1. Now, go to the Setup page of Digital Twin and click CTA View next to Guardrails. 

  2. Click on Add Guardrail in the top right corner. 

  3. Provide details such as Name, When to Use, Constraint, and Response under Prompt Guardrail box. 

Name: Provide a suitable name for the Prompt. 

When to Use: Provide a condition when to trigger the Guardrail. 

Constraint: Provide a specific constraint which the Digital Twin should trigger basis the use case. 

Response: Provide a relevant response which the Digital Twin should trigger basis the Constraint. 

  1. Click Save after adding all the details. 

  2. Here is a sample prompt guardrail created for your reference. 

  3. Once you have created the Guardrail, you can select the created Guardrail within a task to perform within the defined boundaries. 

  4. Click Save once you have defined the Workflow for the Digital Twin.