Engagement for Linkedin


CXM Lite has 3 types of Inbox messages for a LinkedIn account where brands can engage with customers. These are Comment, Post, and Mention messages.  


Navigate to LinkedIn Platform messages 

  1. Go to the Home page of CXM Lite and click the Inbox feature from the left pane. 


  1. Now, click the Filter option in the top right corner and click the LinkedIn option from the Platform filter to view LinkedIn-only messages. Click Apply. All the LinkedIn messages will appear on the left stream.  


Let's explain the 3 types of LinkedIn messages below: 


Post: Any new post created by the brand along with the image or video. Sprinklr allows you to take the below actions on Posts: 

  • Like 

  • Comment 

  • Delete 

  • Like from multiple accounts 

  • Collaboration 

  • Tags 

  • Mark as Spam 

  • View Details 

  • Quick Actions 

  • View in Native 



Comment: These are responses to your Brand's published Posts. 

Sprinklr allows you to take the below actions on Comments: 

  • Like 

  • Reply 

  • Delete 

  • Like from multiple accounts 

  • Collaboration 

  • Tags 

  • Mark as Spam 

  • View Details 

  • Quick Actions 

  • View in Native 




Mention: When you tag any brand or user to notify them about any new post created or about anything on your Linkedin feed.  

Sprinklr allows you to take the below actions on such messages:  

  • Like 

  • Reply 

  • Tags 

  • Collaboration 

  • Mark as Spam 

  • View Details 

  • Quick Actions 

  • View in Native 

  • Assign to user 


Direct Message: LinkedIn allows direct messages engagement only for Linkedin Company Pages and not for LinkedIn Profile accounts.

Engaging with LinkedIn Company Page Direct Messages in Sprinklr helps in centralized communication management, enhanced customer engagement, improved collaboration, and actionable insights. These advantages help you to manage your LinkedIn interactions more effectively - improving customer satisfaction and driving better business outcomes. 

You can engage with direct messages (private messages) on LinkedIn Company accounts using the Inbox and Ticket module. 

Use Case 

  • Unified Inbox: Manage all direct messages from your LinkedIn Company Page alongside messages from other social media channels within Sprinklr’s unified inbox, streamlining communication management. 

  • Simplified Workflow: Reduces the need to switch between different platforms, allowing for a more efficient and organized workflow. 

  • Timely Responses: Ensure prompt replies to customer inquiries and messages on LinkedIn, improving customer satisfaction and engagement. 

  • Facilitate internal collaboration by assigning messages to appropriate team members, adding internal notes, and involving multiple team members in conversations. 

  1. Go to the Inbox feature from the left pane of Sprinklr Advanced. Now, click on the Filter icon from the top right corner.

  1. Add LinkedIn under the Channel filter and Direct Message under the Message Type filter. All the Inbox messages that appear on LinkedIn company accounts will be narrowed down. You can engage in the Direct message by replying to them from the Reply box. You can attach an image, add a video, or survey, take the help of Canned Responses, add an emoji, or GIF, or take the help of Sprinklr AI+. 


Let’s discuss different Inbox message actions:

  1. Collaboration 

  1. Reply 

  1. Tags 

  1. Mark as Spam 

  1. View Details 

  1. Quick Actions 


  • Like: Quickly acknowledge and engage with customer messages or comments by liking them. 

  • Mark as Closed: Indicate that a message or issue has been resolved, updating its status to closed for clear workflow management. 

  • Collaboration: Involve other team members in a conversation by adding internal notes, assigning tasks, or asking for assistance without the customer seeing these interactions. 

  • Reply: Directly respond to customer messages from within Sprinklr, allowing for timely and personalized communication. 

  • Tags: Categorize and label messages for easy sorting and filtering, using custom tags to organize messages based on topics, urgency, sentiment, etc. 

  • Mark as Spam: Identify and filter out irrelevant or malicious messages to maintain a clean and relevant message inbox. 

  • View Details: Access detailed information about a message, including sender info, message history, and engagement metrics, to understand the context before responding. 

  • Quick Actions: Use pre-configured shortcuts to perform common tasks rapidly, such as replying with templates, tagging, or assigning messages, to increase efficiency and consistency. 

You can engage on LinkedIn company accounts under the Ticket module as well. 

  1. Go to the Tickets tab from the left pane of Sprinklr Advanced. The list of tickets will appear. Now, choose the LinkedIn Private messages from the search bar. 

  1. You can engage on Tickets by replying to the LinkedIn private message from the reply box. You can add a note, add surveys to the message, add canned responses, add emoji, or take help of Sprinklr AI+ from the reply box. 

  2. There are various ticket actions such as Quick Actions, Mark as Closed, Delete Ticket, Mark as Closed, Delete Ticket, Mark as Spam, Mark Contact as Spam, Show Case Summary, Refresh, Download Transcript, Hide Notes, Hide Activities, etc. Lets discuss each of them:


  • Quick Actions: Pre-configured shortcuts to perform common tasks quickly, such as replying with templates, tagging, or assigning messages. 

  • Mark as Closed: Changes the status of a ticket or message to indicate that it has been resolved and requires no further action. 

  • Delete Ticket: Permanently removes a ticket from the system. 

  • Mark as Spam: Identifies a message or ticket as spam, filtering it out of the regular workflow. 

  • Mark Contact as Spam: Marks all future messages from a specific contact as spam. 

  • Show Case Summary: Displays a summary of the case, including key details and updates. 

  • Refresh: Updates the current view to show the most recent information and changes. 

  • Download Transcript: Allows users to download a complete transcript of a conversation or interaction. 

  • Hide Notes: Temporarily hides internal notes from the view 

  • Hide Activities: Temporarily hides activity logs and updates related to the ticket or message.