Contact Profiles in Inbox


Contact profiles in Inbox help brands to gather comprehensive details about the contact and preserve the contact details in CRM. They are customers you have interacted with in the past or those you want to interact with in the future. They help you manage and keep track of the contacts reaching out to you and evaluate if a contact can become a lead.

Contact Profiles in Inbox

Select any of the message types from the left pane and the message details will open up in the right pane. Move to the Contact 360 tab and you will view the complete 360 details of the profile contact such as Profile follower count, profile properties such as email, phone number, company, predicted CSAT Score, and Tags, and add any profile notes.


If you click on the profile name, you will be redirected to the Contact tab on the left under CRM.

You can search for the desired keyword in the search bar. The Contact tab is divided into 6 tabs:

Activity: The activity performed by the contact.

Tickets: All the tickets associated with the contact.

Meetings: You can schedule a meeting with a contact or log a meeting activity to keep track of your meeting and notes. You can click on Log Meeting in the top right corner to schedule a new meeting for the contact. You need to provide title of the meeting, select the time and date of the meeting, and attendees who will attend the meeting.

Calls: Call interactions exchanged between your team and contact would appear here. You can click Log Calls in the top right corner to add a new call for the contact. You need to provide the title of the call, select the date and timings, and attendees who will attend the call. 

Notes: Any notes added by the Contact.

Tasks: Tasks around the contact created by your team would appear here. You can click Add Task in the top right corner to create new tasks around the Contact.

On the right side of the contact details, you will vew details such as:

Contact details- It consists of the contact email, phone number, and company. It also comprises the accounts added for the Contact.

Contact Insights: It comprises the tickets received by the contact in the recent past.

Company Details: It consists of the Company name and phone number. You can click Show All to view all the details in the third pane.

Attachments: Assets added by you and shared on tickets, notes or tasks will appear here. You can upload the desired file by clicking Upload File.