Understanding Sprinklr Governance & Settings


Sprinklr Governance consists of 2 tabs - Sprinklr Service and Sprinklr Social under the Settings icon on the left pane.

Sprinklr Service: This tab deals with Sprinklr Ticketing.

Sprinklr Social: This tab deals with Sprinklr’s all Social channels.

Sprinklr Service: It consists of the following sections:

  1. Platforms: The list of platforms are listed below:

    • Facebook

    • Email

    • SMS

    • Live Chat

    • Facbook

    • Twitter

    • Instagram

    • TikTok

    • LinkedIn

    • YouTube

    • WhatsApp Business

    • Apple Business Chat

    • Telegram

    • Viber

    • GooglePlay

    • Apple App Store

    • Yelp

    • Trustpilot

    • Google My Business

    • Slack

  1. Ticketing and Routing

    This section consists of:

    Ticket Views: Define conditions to group tickets into streams in your ticket console

    Ticket Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your tickets

    SLA Policy: Set agreed upon response and resolution time for your support team.

    Surveys: Set up feedback surveys to egt insight into your customers.

    Ticket  Forms: Default or custom fields and data a ticket contains.

    Automation: Automate manual tasks on Tickets using predefined conditions. 

    Ticket Quick Actions: Perform multiple actions on a Ticket using pre-delfoned conditions.

  2. Routing

    This section consists of:

    • Skills: Assign skills to users based on their expertise on defined criteria.

    • Capacity: Define and manage user workload across different platforms.

    • Ticket Queues: Defines an ordered collection of tickets to ensure proper assignment and resolution.

    Global Governance

    It consists of modern channels and millions of things in one place. It is common for Sprinkr Service and Social.

    • Users: Invite and Manage users in your workspace.

    • Teams: Group users who share common criteria info. relevant teams.

    • Tags: Group different entities based on certain criteria using tags.

    • Company Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your Companies.

    • Contact Fields: Create Custom Fields to capture additional information on your Contacts.

    • Workspace: Manage your Workspace related properties.

    • Sprinklr Marketplace: Choose from a host of application and add them using One-click integration.

    • Custom Apps: Create your own Custom apps and integrate them to your workspace.

    • Profile Details: Personalise information regarding your profile.

    • Security and Persoanlization: Customize and Secure your help desk to your organization’s unique needs.

    • Business Hours: Set official working hours when your team is available.

    • Roles: Create user roles and map them to module specific permissions.

    • Canned Resposnes: Templatise responses to frequently asked questions.

    • User Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your users.


If you dont require Sprinklr Service capabilities at the moment, you can turn off Sprinklr Service  and always turn it on later.

Sprinklr Social: It consists of the following sections:

  1. Platforms

    • Facebook

    • Twitter

    • Instagram

    • TikTok

    • LinkedIn

    • YouTube

    • Trustpilot

    • Viber

    • GooglePlay

    • Apple App Store

    • Yelp

    • Google My Business

  2. Inbox and Publishing 

    It consists of the following items:

    • Publisher Settings: Customise and govern your publishing workflows.

    • Message Quick Actions: Perform multiple actions on a Message using pre-defined conditions.

    • Approval Workflows: Create step-by-step approval processes to govern Posts, Assets and Messages.

    • Publishing Queues: Add Comment to a Queue for automated delivery at pre-defined times.

    • Post Fields: Create  custom fields to capture additional information on your Posts.

    • Asset Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your Assets.

    • Inbox Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your Messages.

    • Campaign Fields: Create custom fields to capture additional information on your Campaigns.

    • Automation: Automate manual tasks on Posts and Messages using predefined conditions.

    • Brands: You and your competitors brands and accounts in place.


If you dont require Sprinklr Service capabilities at the moment, you can turn off Sprinklr Service  and always turn it on later.

3. There is also a Search capability at the top of the Settings page where you can look for any fields directly by typing on the Search bar.