Ability to convert currency in Paid Performance Report 


With Sprinklr Self-Serve, you can convert all the values under Paid performance (in standard USD) report in your desired currency by clicking on the icon in the top right corner. You will get a list of currencies where you can choose from. 


  1. Go to the Reports icon from the left pane of Sprinklr Self-Serve. 


  2. Now, the list of reports appears in the Reports section. Go to the Paid Performance Report tab from the left pane. The list of widgets will appear for each report. Click on the Currency Switcher in the top right corner and choose the language in which you want to translate the reporting widgets. The reporting metrics are displayed in USD.  


  3. The list of currencies will appear in the dropdown from where you can choose the desired language in which you want to translate the reporting widgets for the Paid Performance report. 


  4. Once you select the currency, all the metrics for a reporting widget will be translated into the chosen language.