Youtube publishing options


Youtube has several publishing options like Privacy, License, Tags, Category, Playlist, Position, etc. These options help brands to accumulate all the videos in one playlist, position their favorite videos, categorize the videos, add a relevant license, and control the privacy of their videos. 


  1. Go to the home page of CXM lite and click the + icon on the left pane. Click the New Post option from the dropdown.


  1. Now, choose single or multiple Youtube accounts for creating a Youtube post.


  1. Now, provide suitable content to market your Youtube video. You can add an Emoji, upload a video, or select the desired asset from the Asset Library section under the Media feature. You cannot upload an image to the content. 

  1. Under the Youtube Options, provide the following details:


Privacy: You can keep the video private, public, or unlisted. 

License: Choose either a standard youtube license or creative commons - Attribution.  

Creative Commons licenses give a standard way for content creators to grant someone else permission to use their work. YouTube allows creators to mark their videos with a Creative Commons CC BY license. If you've marked your video with a CC BY license, you retain your copyright. Other creators get to reuse your work subject to the terms of the license. 

The ability to mark uploaded videos with a Creative Commons license is available to all creators. The Standard YouTube license remains the default setting for all uploads. To review the terms of the standard YouTube license, refer to our Terms of Service

                        Tags: Choose the desired tags for your Youtube video. 

Category: Choose the desired category from the dropdown. 

Playlist: Choose the desired playlist. A playlist is a collection of videos. Anybody can make playlists, share them, and friends can add videos to your playlist.  

Please note If a video or channel’s audience is "made for kids" and you’re on a homepage, you can't add it to a playlist. You can still add content from search results into playlists. 

Position in playlist: Choose the position of your favorite video in the playlist. 


Notify your subscribers of this post: Toggle On if you want to notify your subscribers of this post. 

This video is made for kids: Toggle On if you want to make this video for kids 

Embed video for others to auto-play it in their sites: Toggle On if you want to embed the video for others to autoplay. 

  1. Choose the desired details for the Publishing Properties

  1. You can have a Platform Preview on the right side of the New Post. 

  1. The New Post is in the Mobile view. You can view the post in the Desktop view at the bottom right.