Increase your ROAS with Customer Satisfaction Report dashboard


Use the standard Customer Satisfaction Reporting dashboard in Sprinklr Advanced to understand the effectiveness of your customer support with the help of various parameters.

Customer Satisfaction Report is a dashboard for reporting as it helps you understand how effective your customer support is. Analysing CSAT data gives you a sense of customer loyalty, which is crucial for any business in the long run. The report consists of widgets to view Average CSAT Score by Issue Type, Priority, Channel, Agents, Teams, etc. Tracking and implementing these data points ensures the sustainability and growth of your brands and ultimately increases ROAS. You need to take multiple factors into account while measuring customer satisfaction.

  1. Log into Sprinklr Advanced. Click the Reports icon on the left pane and search for Customer Satisfaction Report in the search bar and the desired report will be generated.

  2. Customer Satisfaction Report Dashboard consists of 3 tabs, i.e., Overview, CSAT Insights, and Sentiment Insights. Below, you can find an elaborated description for each of the widgets.


The Overview tab gives you an insight into the CSAT scores of the all the tickets received, its trend over a period of time, CSAT trend week days-wise, customer sentiment, sentiment distribution of CSAT responses. The tab consists of the following widgets:

Widget Name



Displays the overall CSAT scores for the total received tickets.

Trend of CSAT Score

Displays the overall CSAT scores trend date-wise.

Day of Week Trend of CSAT

Displays the overall CSAT scores trend week days-wise.

Customer Sentiment

Displays the customer sentiments for all the received tickets.

Sentiment Distribution of CSAT Responses

Displays the distribution of sentiment based on CSAT scores.

CSAT Insights

The CSAT insights tab gives a sneak peak into the CSAT score issue, priority, channel, agent, and team wise for the total tickets received. The tab consists of the following widgets:

Widget Name


Avg. CSAT by Issue Type

Displays the overall CSAT issue-wise to gauge if your support team is performing well.

Avg. CSAT by Priority

Displays the overall CSAT scores priority-wise.

Avg. CSAT by Channel

Displays the overall CSAT score channel-wise and helps you understand if your support team performs effectively for each channel.

CSAT by Agent

Displays the agent's CSAT score for the total received tickets.

CSAT by Team

Displays the team’s CSAT score for the total received tickets.

Sentiment Insights

The Sentiment insights gives you an insight into the customer sentiment issue, priority, channel, agent, and team wise. The tab consists of the following widgets:

Widget Name


Sentiment by Issue Type

Displays the customer sentiment issue-wise to understand your customer's satisfaction with your service.

Sentiment by Priority

Displays the customer sentiment priority-wise to gauge if your customers are satisfied with your service on priority-specific tickets.

Sentiment by Channel

Displays the customer sentiment channel-wise to measure the performance of your support team.

Sentiment by Agent

Displays the overall customer sentiment for every agent.

Sentiment by Team

Displays the overall customer sentiment for every team.

Make Informed Decisions with Sprinklr Advanced Reports