Topics and Brand Insights reports Source Information


Insights report 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Insights Report 

Top Posts 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram

Insights Report 

Top Conversations 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Insights Report 

Top Media Posts 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram

Insights Report 

What time of day are users engaging with your brand 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Insights Report 

What are most popular emoticans used 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, VK, and Reddit

Insights Report 

Top Advocates 

Twitter (X)


Benchmark Campaign Performance report 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Track KPI’s of your brand campaigns 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Track fan sentiment trend of your brand content 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Top performing posts of your brand 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Track KPIs of competitor campaigns 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Track fan sentiment trend on competitors’ content 

Twitter (X), Facebook Instagram, and Reddit

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Top performing posts of your competitors 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Profession of people talking about your brand 

Twitter (X) and Quora

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Profession of people talking about competitors 

Twitter (X) and Quora

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Countries of people talking about your brand 

Twitter (X), Blogs and Reviews, News and Quora

Benchmark Campaign Performance 

Countries of people talking about competitors 

Twitter (X), Blogs and Reviews, News and Quora


Brand Awareness 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Brand Awareness 


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 


 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Unique Users 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 


 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Positive Mentions 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Negative Mentions 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Sentiment of conversations of your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Sentiment trend of conversations of your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Share of voice: Your brand Vs competitors 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Channels where conversations are happening 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Top Hashtags for your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Awareness 

Which day of a week are users most active? 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Which time of the day are users most active? 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Media Coverage: Highlights 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Top phrases associated with your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Awareness 

Top themes of discussion around your brand 

Twitter (X) , and Reddit


PR Executive report 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


PR Executive Report 

Trend of media coverage by top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Reach: Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Social share of voice 

(News), (Print), (TV), (Radio) 

PR Executive Report 

Benchmark media coverage: Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Media coverage: Highlights 


PR Executive Report 

Influencer amplification 

Twitter (X)

PR Executive Report 

News articles: Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Amplification by top journalists 

Twitter (X)

PR Executive Report 

Media coverage: Emerging publications 


PR Executive Report 

Media coverage 


PR Executive Report 

Trend: Social share of voice 

(News), (Print), (TV), (Radio) 

PR Executive Report 

Key message penetration: Top themes of discussion 

News, Twitter (X) 

PR Executive Report 

Media coverage: Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Traditional share of voice 

News, Print, TV, Radio 

PR Executive Report 

Top articles on executives 


PR Executive Report 

Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Trend: Traditional share of voice 

News, Print, TV, Radio 

PR Executive Report 

Worldwide media coverage 


PR Executive Report 

Top articles on executives of competitor brands 


PR Executive Report 

Benchmark top tier media presence 


PR Executive Report 

Organisations co-mentioned with your brand 


PR Executive Report 

Shares on Social: Top tier publications 


PR Executive Report 

Top tier media coverage: Executives 


PR Executive Report 

Trend of media coverage by top tier publications 



Manage Brand Reputation  

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Manage Brand Reputation 

Top sustainability related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top R&D and Innovation related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top Leadership & strategy related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) and News

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top Diversity and inclusion related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) and News

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top CSR sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top workplace sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top Workplace related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top sustainability related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) and News

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top CSR related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) and News

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top leadership & strategy related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top workspace well-being related stories around your brand and competitors 

 Twitter (X) and News

Manage Brand Reputation 

Benchmark sentiment across key citizenship pillars for your brand vs competitors 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top leadership & strategy sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top diversity and inclusion related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top R&D and Innovation related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top R&D and Innovation sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Trend of conversations around key citizenship pillars for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top sustainability sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top diversity and inclusion sub themes for your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Manage Brand Reputation 

Top CSR related discussions around your brand and competitors 

Twitter (X) 


Brand Health 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Brand Health 


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 

Unique Users 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 

Sentiments of conversations 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Sentiment trend of conversations 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 

Share of voice: Benchmark with competitors 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Brand Health 

Top themes of discussion about your brand 

 Reddit and Twitter (X)

Brand Health 

Top phrases associated with your brand 

 Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Brand performance scorecard 

 Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Trend of conversations around your brand’s performance 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Top themes of discussion around your brand’s performance 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Most popularly used phrases around your brand’s performance 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Benchmark sentiment across key citizenship pillars for your brand vs competitors 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Trend of conversations around key citizenship pillars for your brand 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Top themes of discussion around key reputation pillars for your brand 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Most popularly used phrases around your key reputation pillars for your brand 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Brand Associations - Emotions 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Health 

Organizations co-mentioned with your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Health 

Emotions associated with your brand & competitors 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews 

Brand Health 

Top positive brand associations 

Twitter (X) 

Brand Health 

Top negative brand associations 

Twitter (X) 



Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Business and operations related stories (if available) around your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Top socio-politics related sub themes (if available) for your brand.

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Employee & workplace related stories (if available) around your brand 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Finance related stories (if available) around your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Top employee and workplace related sub themes (if available) for your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Socio-political stories (if available) around your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Trend of discussions on potential crisis areas (if available) around your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Top finance related sub themes (if available) for your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews

Discover Potential Areas of Crisis 

Top business and operations sub themes (if available) for your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, VK, Quora, News, Blogs and Reviews


Digital Care Insights 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Digital Care Insights 

Total Brand Volume 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Digital Care Volume Detected by AI 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Trend: Overall Volume and Digital Care Volume 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

First response time 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Response rate 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Top call drivers 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Top call drivers: Trend 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Trend of First response time 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Trend of Response rate 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Sentiment of Digital Care Volume 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Sentiment Trend of Digital Care Volume 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Most Responsive Brand 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Benchmark Response Time 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Most engaged Brand 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Benchmark Response Rate 

Twitter (X), Facebook and Reviews

Digital Care Insights 

Benchmark: Top Call Drivers 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Scorecard: Performance on Brand pages 

 Twitter (X) and Facebook

Digital Care Insights 

Top themes: Customer Service Discussions 

Twitter (X) 

Digital Care Insights 

Verbatim of Happy customers 

Twitter (X)

Digital Care Insights 

Verbatim of Unhappy customers 

Twitter (X)




Benchmark Brand Performance 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Benchmark Brands Performance 

Brand performance summary 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Brand activity trend over time 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Audience engagement over time 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Brand activity by time of day 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Audience engagement by time of day 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Channel wise activity of brand 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Channel wise performance of brand 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Audience growth scorecard 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Country details of audience 

Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Language preference for audience 

Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Sentiment of fan voice 

Facebook, and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Positive fan messages trend over time 

Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Top themes by fans associated with your brand 

Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Objective of brand posts 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Theme of brand posts 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Top performing content of your brand 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Benchmark Brands Performance 

Top performing content of competitors 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)


Content Strategy 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Content Strategy 

Trending Hashtags 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Tone used by your brand 


Content Strategy 

Theme used by your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Most engaged content posted by your brand & competitors on Instagram 


Content Strategy 

Average engagement on content tone 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Most engaged content posted by your brand & competitors on Facebook 


Content Strategy 

Average engagement on content theme 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X) 

Content Strategy 

Top performing content of your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Channel wise performance of media types 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Top performing Key Objectives deployed by Brands 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Performance of media types used by your brand 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Top performing content of competitors 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Content Strategy 

Most engaged content posted by your brand & competitors on Twitter 

 Twitter (X)

Product Insights 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Product Insights 

Sentiment trend for your brand 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Sentiment distribution for your brand 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Most disliked attributes for your brand 

Product Insights 

Most liked attributes for competitor brands 

Product Insights 

Trend of Net Sentiment Score 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Total messages 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Most disliked attributes for competitor brands 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Customer sentiment by product attributes 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Most liked attributes for your brand 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Top positive customer feedback for your brand 

Twitter (X), Forums, and Reviews

Product Insights 

Star rating distribution for your brand 

Review Sites and Platforms

Product Insights 

Sentiment benchmarking 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Star Rating 

Review Sites and Platforms

Product Insights 

Brand level benchmarking 

Twitter (X), Forums, Reviews and Facebook

Product Insights 

Top negative customer feedback for your brand 

Twitter (X), Forums, and Reviews

Product Insights 

Total Reviews 

Review Sites and Platforms


Competitor Performance 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Competitor Performance 

Theme of brand posts 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Objective of brand posts 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Audience engagement by time of day 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Brand activity by time of day 

 Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Language preference for audience 

Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Country details of audience 

Twitter (X) 

Competitor Performance 

Top performing content 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Positive fan messages trend over time 

Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Channel wise activity of brand 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Audience engagement over time 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Audience growth scorecard 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Sentiment of fan voice 

Facebook, and Twitter (X) 

Competitor Performance 

Brand activity trend over time 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X) 

Competitor Performance 

Channel wise performance of brand 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)

Competitor Performance 

Brand performance summary 

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X)


Topic Comparison Report 

Report Name 

Widget Name 


Topic Comparison Report 

Mentions Trend 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, Quora and News

Topic Comparison Report 

Topic Comparison 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, Quora and News

Topic Comparison Report 

Share of Voice Distribution 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, Quora and News

Topic Comparison Report 

Sentiment Distribution 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, Quora and News

Topic Comparison Report 

Source Distribution 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Reddit, Quora and News