Sprinklr AI+ : Access the unlimited power of AI within Sprinklr


Sprinklr is a all in one solution for managing your Brand's digital presence. With Sprinklr, you have everything you need to publish digital content, engage with customers customers, manage brand's reputation and deliver unparalleled customer experience.

With Sprinklr's new AI capabilities, your team members now have access to advanced capabilities to generate Content ideas, Translate content, Modify tone, Real time customer support assistance and much more. Sprinklr's AI+ capabilities are available across both the Sprinklr products-

  1. Sprinklr Social

  2. Sprinklr Service

Where you see a Sprinklr AI+ logo displayed, the feature is powered by ChatGPT. By using it, you understand your data will be shared with ChatGPT, as Sprinklr's subprocessor, and in accordance with the terms disclosed on that site. To disable Sprinklr AI+ powered features for certain users, please follow the steps in this Knowledge Base Article

Sprinklr Social

Effortlessly manage content across all your social media profiles with a simple and intuitive platform. Share multiple posts across multiple platforms with ease and convenience. You can also engage with your customers and respond to their messages across channels from one single window.

Using Sprinklr's AI+ to create Campaign Brief's

  1. Campaigns are a way to unite your marketing strategies in order to achieve common business goals. You can use campaigns to tag posts and assets and use them as filters across the platform

  2. With the new Sprinklr AI+ integration you can create Highly engaging and Targeted campaigns in a matter of few minutes

  3. Visit the Campaign section and click on the option "Start writing with AI"

  4. On clicking on "Start writing with AI", you can choose from multiple options like-

    1. Brainstorming Ideas

    2. Creating Campaign Briefs

    3. Brainstorm Personas

    4. Generate Hashtags and much more

  1. Once you click on "Campaign Briefs" , you can enter details like Purpose of the campaign, key message, define targeting

  1. Once entered, the AI will automatically generate detailed Campaign Briefs with clearly defined Goals, Target Audience, Campaign Budget, Key Metrics, and much more

Using Sprinklr's AI+ in Publisher

  1. With Sprinklr's Omnichannel Publisher, you can create captivating content across multiple social channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn posts and TikTok videos and increase your brand's digital presence

  2. With the new Sprinklr AI+ integration you can create Highly engaging and Targeted contents in a matter of few minutes

  3. To use this functionality, open the Publisher and select the Social Account on which you want to publish content

  4. Click on "Sprinklr AI+ icon" to access the options and choose from multiple options available across Editing and Brainstorming content

  1. You can create Channel specific content by defining the Content, Tone, and your Target Audience

  2. Once you click on Generate Content, multiple options of content articles will be automatically populated from which you can select the content to publish.

  3. Click on "Replace Content" or "Add Content" to add this in your content window and click on Post Now to publish the content on desired social media channel

Sprinklr Service

Sprinklr Service is an online customer engagement solution that lets you streamline your company's customer support. It helps you keep track of customer requests, communicate with them, and deal with various customer support-related issues.

Using Sprinklr's AI+ for Agent Reply Assistance

  1. When your agents are responding to customers from the Care Console, they can now utilize the advanced capabilities of Sprinklr AI+ to send highly effective and engaging replies to customers

  2. Once you have entered a reply, click on the available Sprinklr AI+ Icon and choose from multiple available options like Fixing Spelling & Grammar, Modifying tone, Translating content and much more

  1. Agents can choose from multiple options and cj to replace or add to existing content. If the suggestion is not satisfactory, agents can discard it and try again

  1. After the interaction, our agents can utilize the advanced Sprinklr AI+ functionality to efficiently summarize a case with clearly defined information such as Contact Driver, Solutions provided, and Next Steps for the agent to take.

  2. Agents can click on Add to Notes to add this Case Summary to Ticket Notes for future reference.

  3. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, this service can help you better understand your customers' needs and preferences, and provide them with personalized and timely support

How to disable Sprinklr AI+ permissions

  1. To disable Sprinklr AI+ permission, navigate to Settings -> Roles and Permissions

  2. Under Roles and Permissions, navigate to Global Governance

  3. You will find a permission called Sprinklr AI+, which can be disabled or enabled for any particular roles