Adding Apple App Store Review on Sprinklr


Learn how to add Apple App Store Review on Sprinklr and reply to the reviews from the platform itself.

Every review posted on your App Store account would create a ticket, and you can reply to the ticket from the Sprinklr platform itself. The reply to the app review would be posted on the native platform as well.

To add Apple App Store Review on Sprinklr

  1. Log into Sprinklr. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar. On the Settings window, select Apple App Store under Social & Reviews.

  2. Now, click Add Apple Store Account.

  3. Enter Key ID, Issuer ID, and Private Key, and click Connect after that.

  4. Now, select the account you would like to associate with Apple App Store. Click Add button.

  5. You will see the selected account added to Sprinklr.

Ticket Creation Rules

  1. Hover over the Options icon against the account and choose the Edit option.

  2. The Ticket Creation Rules window will appear. You need to toggle on the Convert Reviews into Tickets option and configure your ticket creation condition.

Type of Review


All Public Reviews

You can choose to select All Public Reviews posted on Apple App Store to be converted into tickets.

All Engageable Reviews

You can further select to convert Only Engageable reviews identified by Sprinklr AI into tickets. Sprinklr employs the industry’s most AI and machine learning to pull engageable messages out of the noise and convert them into tickets.

Only Manually Filtered Reviews

Additionally, the Only Manually Filtered Messages option allows you to set conditions to define the rules for ticket creation. For example, if you wish to convert only those reviews into tickets with the keyword Refund in them, you can set the Keyword condition

  1. Choose Only Manually Filtered Reviews to further narrow down the ticket creation conditions.

Type of Ticket



Choose a sentiment such as positive, negative, or neutral.


Enter the desired keyword.

Followers Count

Enter the desired follower count.

Contact Bio

Enter the desired contact bio.

Ticket creation workflow

  1. A review posted on Apple Store would be fetched into the ticket section of Sprinklr, and you can reply to the Apple Review seamlessly.

  2. You also have the option to use Canned Responses and add emojis in your replies, which would be fetched in the native as well.

  3. This is how the reply to the Apple Store review will be fetched in the native.


Every review posted on Apple Store takes 24 hours to fetch on the Sprinklr platform because Apple has the policy to audit all the reviews posted to the Apple Store account.

Similarly, every reply to the Apple Store review on the Sprinklr platform would take another 24 hours to fetch on the native platform because Apple examines all the responses to their reviews.