How are tags different from custom fields


Tags and Custom Fields are both essential functionalities within Sprinklr that contribute to effective data management, but they serve distinct purposes. Let's delve into their differences to understand how they work and when to use each one:

Custom Fields:

  • Types: Custom Fields include Post, Asset, Inbox, Campaigns, Company, Contact, and User Fields.

  • Purpose: They're designed to capture specific data points in a structured manner.

  • Use When: You need to gather and analyze detailed and consistent information, such as post details, campaign specifics, contact preferences, and user attributes.


  • Purpose: Tags categorize and organize content quickly for easy sorting and reporting.

  • Use When: You want to group posts or messages by themes, topics, or attributes, simplifying content organization and enabling effective reporting.

Choosing Between Them:

  • If you require structured data collection and analysis, Custom Fields are the way to go. Use them for detailed insights and tailored interactions.

  • When you need quick content categorization and efficient reporting, Tags are your best friend. They enhance content organization without complex data structures.

In short, Custom Fields are for structured data, Tags are for flexible categorization. Choose based on your data needs and the level of organization you're aiming for in Sprinklr.